Decision details

Funding for Good Homes Alliance Pilot:

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


1.       That the additional allocation of £177,969 Better Care / Disabled Facilities Grant funding for 2023/24 received from Lincolnshire County Council be accepted;

a.       That the use of £112,844 to contribute funding to a 2-year Good Home Alliance Advice & Casework pilot, funded via contributing Lincolnshire District Councils and County Council be approved; and

b.       That the use of £65,125 remaining additional BCF/DGF funding for 2023/24 to support the delivery of DFG and, where appropriate, Discretionary Housing Financial Assistance be approved.


2.       That the hosting of the proposed 2-year Advice and Casework pilot on behalf of the Good Home Alliance funding authorities, inclusive of the recruitment of up to four (4) 2-year fixed term Advice and Casework Officers (in line with available funding) and the retention of the existing Healthy and Accessible Homes (Housing) Lead role for 2 years be approved; and


That subject to the Executive Board approval of recommendations 1 and 2 above;


3.       That Full Council be recommended to accept £340,965 funding from Lincolnshire County Council to fund the 2 year pilot service, inclusive of the £112,844 ELDC contribution; and


That subject to the receipt of additional external funding contributions:


4.       That Full Council be recommended to delegate approval to the Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Assistant Director – Wellbeing and Community Leadership and Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Ageing, to accept up to £145,035 in additional external funding contributions to support the delivery and expansion of the Advice and Casework pilot throughout 2024/25 - 2026/27. Bringing the total available funding for the 2-year Advice and Casework pilot to £486,000 across 2024/25 – 2026/27.


Report author: Stuart Horton

Publication date: 15/02/2024

Date of decision: 14/02/2024

Decided at meeting: 14/02/2024 - Executive Board

Effective from: 27/02/2024

Accompanying Documents: