EB Burgh le Marsh Report 2 (003)
Meeting: 29/04/2020 - Leader Decisions (Item 2.)
To consider a report.
N.B. Appendix A is exempt from publication.
Additional documents:
- APPENDIX A Burgh le Marsh - Exempt Appendix , View reasons restricted (2./2)
That the following be approved;
1. To give authority to the Assistant Director – Growth (Neil Cucksey) to purchase the site for no more than £100,000 in accordance with paragraph 8.1 of the report;
2. To give authority to the Assistant Director – Growth (Neil Cucksey) to procure the laying out of the site out in accordance with the costs specified in confidential Appendix A to the report;
3. Upon the acquisition of the site by the Council being completed, the Executive Director - Growth (Tim Leader) be authorised to amend the planning permission for the development of a gypsy site on the land by varying any condition of it to the extent he considers necessary and/or to rely upon permitted development rights or take such other action as may be necessary to secure expeditiously the development of the site to meet the urgent need for further accommodation for gypsies and travellers.