Tree Strategy:
Meeting: 06/07/2022 - Executive Board (Item 15)
15 Tree & Hedgerow Strategy: PDF 265 KB
To consider the adoption of a Tree and Hedgerow Strategy for the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership setting out the ambition and high level commitments of the three Councils.
Additional documents:
That the adoption of the Tree and Hedgerow Strategy be approved by Executive Board.
A report was presented to enable consideration of a Tree and Hedgerow Strategy for the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership setting out the ambition and high level commitments of the three Councils.
Trees and hedgerows were noted as a vital part of the world around us bringing a sense of place to our local communities alongside a range of societal, environmental and economic benefits. Often the focus tended to be on planting new trees but this was only one part of a more complex picture and needed to be considered alongside the protection and management of existing trees, hedgerows and woodlands and as part of a coordinated engagement piece. A strategic approach was therefore required to ensure all the derived benefits were realised. The Tree and Hedgerow Strategy for the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership was the start of that process to ensure a consistent approach to tree management and planting across the sub-region.
During discussion Members were supportive of the Strategy and the inclusion of hedgerows. Further reference was made to the relevance of strategy within planning policy and the Portfolio Holder for Planning confirmed that this would be considered as part of the Local Plan through Planning Policy Committee.
Following which it was
That the adoption of the Tree and Hedgerow Strategy be approved by Executive Board.
To ensure a consistent approach to tree management and planting across the sub-region.
Other options:
To not take forward a Tree and Hedgerow Strategy and continue to develop projects, policies and procedures in a piecemeal fashion across the sub-region.