Issue - meetings

Disposal of Public Open Space – Feedback from Statutory Consultation:

Meeting: 06/07/2022 - Executive Board (Item 20)

20 Disposal of Public Open Space – Feedback from Statutory Consultation: pdf icon PDF 297 KB

To consider any feedback received from the statutory consultation prior to determination of an asset disposal subject to contract and due process.  


That the disposal of the Public Open Space land declared surplus by the Council with its disposal being subject to the requirements of Section 123 (2A) of the Local Government Act 1972 be approved, subject to contract and due process.


At its meeting on 12 May 2022, Council determined that subject to contract, due process and consideration of any consultation feedback by the Executive, the Council dispose of the land outlined in red at Figure 1. (Council Minute No. 22 refers).


It was noted that the statutory consultation had not concluded until after the publication of the Executive Board agenda for this evening.  However, the Portfolio Holder for Finance was now able to confirm that no objections had been received. 


Following which it was




That the disposal of the Public Open Space land declared surplus by the Council with its disposal being subject to the requirements of Section 123 (2A) of the Local Government Act 1972 be approved, subject to contract and due process.



Feedback from the statutory consultation process followed must be considered by the Executive and it should consider whether any disposal should proceed.


Other options:

Not to consider any feedback received – not appropriate as consideration of any resulting feedback is a requirement of Section 123 (2A) of the Local Government Act, 1972.