Issue - meetings

To consider any adjourned business from previous Licensing Act 2003 Sub Committees

Meeting: 22/09/2022 - Licensing Act 2003 Sub Committee (Item 4)

Review of a Premises Licence:


This item was being presented to Committee following an adjournment of the Sub-Committee Meeting held on 12 September 2022.


(N.B. An interpreter was in attendance to assist the Premises Licence Holder).


The Principal Licensing Officer advised Members that the Police had requested to present additional evidence in private session without the presence of the licence holder and his representative.  Further to discussion with the Chairman, it was proposed that a discussion and the additional evidence referred be heard at the end of the hearing.


It was agreed that the Sub-Committee would continue with the Review Hearing and consideration of the factors that brought the review forward, together with submissions from both parties.  Towards the end of the hearing, Members would vote to go into Exempt Session to discuss the legal considerations for the additional evidence received from the Police.


Further to a discussion, Members agreed with this proposal and for the hearing to remain in Open Session.


The Principal Licensing Officer introduced his report and advised the Sub-Committee Members that the report considered an application by Lincolnshire Police for a review of the premises alcohol licence held in respect of the premises known as Arcade Mini-Market, Skegness.  The review was a result of a compliance check undertaken by the Police where they had identified a person at the premises who held no permission or right to work in the UK.  The application for review was advertised outside the premises and copied to all responsible authorities, however the Licensing team received no representations from these.


The Principal Licensing Officer highlighted the steps that the Sub-Committee could take that was appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives, (page 2 of the report refers).


PC Tilford, representing Lincolnshire Police outlined the premises licence details (Appendix D, pages 35 refers) which highlighted that the premises was allowed to supply alcohol between the hours of 08:00 and 23:00hours Monday to Sunday. 


It was highlighted that two of the licencing objectives were being undermined at the premises.  PC Tilford reminded the Sub-Committee that when considering the crime and disorder objective the guidance did indicate that the Police were best placed best to provide that information.  Both the prevention of crime and disorder and protection of children from harm objectives had been undermined in three ways; firstly, employment of staff members who were not recorded correctly within the documentation, secondly, the pricing issues within the store that were noted within the documentation and thirdly, sale to underage members of the public and this was captured on CCTV.  As such, the Police considered revocation of the licence the best course of action in this particular case.


The Police further explained the circumstances that gave rise to the premises review.  A joint Police and Immigration visit to the store on 15th June 2022 had been undertaken as a result of intelligence received around illegal workers, (Annex A refers).  PC Cotton and PC Jones attended the store with PC Casey and were met by a lone male named  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4