Issue - meetings

Report of the Chairman of the Executive Board:

Meeting: 14/12/2022 - Council (Item 50)

50 Report of the Chairman of the Executive Board: pdf icon PDF 452 KB

Report to follow.


Ahead of presenting his report, the Leader of the Council reflected that the meeting would be the last one held in Tedder Hall ahead of the move to the purpose-built Hub in Horncastle and highlighted that many important and notable moments had been shared in the Council Chambers.


The Chairman of Executive Board presented his report as circulated in the Supplementary Agenda, pages 1 to 6 refer.


Councillor Jackson expressed her disappointment that further to the Invest to Save projects initiative detailed at the previous meeting, there had been no further information on these projects, Council Minute No. 32 refers. 

In response, the Chairman of Executive Board advised Members that the Invest to Save projects initiative was still live and was therefore work in progress.


Green Homes Grants


Councillor Howard was pleased to note the positive points in the report, however highlighted that the Council needed to prioritise and promote to move away from what was standard building practices at the moment in relation to carbon burning and refurbishment of old properties. 


In response, the Chairman of Executive Board stated that he understood the challenges of housing, particularly as there was a very large stock of old housing across the district and acknowledged that new housing must be built to the best standard possible, however highlighted that the decision-making process relating to housing standards was not a matter for the Council.


In response to Councillor Cunnington’s comments about the late receipt of reports, the Chairman of Executive Board apologised to Members for the lateness of his report and assured Members that he would do better in future.


Enviro-crime Enforcement Contract


Further to the information provided, Councillor Mossop raised his concern that communities were not receiving feedback from reported enforcement cases and emphasised that communication was very important to encourage other people to work with them.


In response, the Chairman of Executive Board advised Members that the principle of the Enviro-crime Enforcement Contract roll-out would be to engage, educate and enforce and assured Members that this would be adhered to.


Cost of Living Support


Councillor Makinson-Sanders asked that her thanks be conveyed from the people in Louth for the warm spaces provided in the town. 


In response to Councillor Howard’s comment with regards to food banks and warm spaces being an indication of a failure of society, the Chairman of Executive Board responded that there were many outside factors that made it very difficult, including the cost of living crisis and praised the work of housing officers and those that dealt with the public going through difficulties on a daily basis.


Emergency Accommodation for Asylum Seekers


Several comments were received from Members that raised concerns, including asylum seekers arriving in Britain who were only allowed to work after they had been waiting for a decision after one year.  It was highlighted that this was out of step with other developed nations and considered that the Council should be campaigning against this so that the 12 months wait should be reduced in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 50