Notice of Motion:
Meeting: 14/12/2022 - Council (Item 59)
Motions on Notice:
To receive Motions on Notice under Council Procedure Rule 12.
Following the annual publication of the Heritage at Risk Register for the East Midlands when over half the Lincolnshire additions were buildings in this district, and in particular Louth Town Centre, we ask that an independent consultation is carried out into the efficacy of present planning, historic environment and enforcement systems in place at this council to enable a time line to be put forward for remedial action and funding identified to ameliorate this worrying situation.
Proposed by Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders
Seconded by Councillor Edward Mossop
The following Motion was received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12:
‘Following the annual publication of the Heritage at Risk Register for the East Midlands when over half the Lincolnshire additions were buildings in this district, and in particular Louth Town Centre, we ask that an independent consultation is carried out into the efficacy of present planning, historic environment and enforcement systems in place at this council to enable a timeline to be put forward for remedial action and funding identified to ameliorate this worrying situation’.
Proposed by Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders.
Seconded by Councillor Edward Mossop.
In her introduction, Councillor Makinson-Sanders referred to the publication of the latest Historic England Buildings at Risk Register.
Reference was made to concerns from both her and Councillor Mossop due to the following factors:
- Within its borders, East Lindsey had more than half of its sites listed on the risk register.
- The challenge to put a positive plan together to address this growing problem.
- Consideration needed to be given to how current processes could be examined for officers and Members so this area of work could be more effective for the future.
In support of the Motion, Councillor Mossop pointed out that Members had a responsibility to highlight areas of concern within conservation areas.
In response, Councillor Ashton, Portfolio Holder for Planning stated that he was unable to support the Motion but highlighted the importance of the preservation of historic buildings.
Further to Councillor Mossop’s comment, the Portfolio Holder for Planning explained that over half of the additions on the risk register were due to the Council asking for them to be registered as a proactive measure and the inclusion on the register was to monitor the sites to prevent further loss. In addition, this also opened up additional funding streams.
In response to the request within the Motion of employing an experienced historic consultant, the Portfolio Holder for Planning advised Members of the very high cost involved and could potentially duplicate. The Council employed its own Heritage Manager and it was evident that work undertaken in Louth, for example where Section 215 notices had been issued had resulted in massive improvement for some areas. It was further highlighted that the Council took strong proactive action wherever possible for prosecutions for non-compliance. Councillor Makinson-Sanders responded that she would hold the Portfolio Holder for Planning to account on this matter and would be pleased to have a discussion with him outside of the meeting in relation to buildings in Louth Town Centre.
Members were further advised that the Heritage Manager had surveyed 1000 listed buildings across East Lindsey, including those that were hard to access. Further work was also being undertaken on bringing forward an East Lindsey Risk Register to pick up Grade 2 listed buildings.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning advised Members that it was his intention to put forward an amendment, however on reflection this would have negated the motion.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning highlighted the option to ... view the full minutes text for item 59