2021 Carbon Footprint:
Meeting: 15/02/2023 - Executive Board (Item 72)
72 Carbon Footprint 2021: PDF 274 KB
To provide an updated Carbon Footprint for 2021.
Additional documents:
1) That the findings of the Carbon Footprint for 2021 in line with the Partnership’s commitment to reducing its carbon emissions to net zero by 2040 be noted;
2) That approval be granted for the addition of upstream scope 3 emissions to the baseline year and subsequent footprint reports in line with Carbon Trust recommendations as required to meet a net zero target.
A report was presented to provide an updated carbon footprint for 2021. It was noted that East Lindsey District Council had agreed an ambitious target to reduce its carbon emissions to net zero by 2040, with a minimum reduction of 45% by 2027, in line with the Carbon Reduction Plan and the strategic aim of the Corporate Strategy. This report and accompanying analysis sought to provide an annual update on our progress towards these targets.
During his introduction the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Leisure and Culture and Carbon Reduction referred to the crucial role that local authorities played in driving forward change and leading by example. As part of East Lindsey District Council’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions, its annual Carbon Footprint had been recorded to enable monitoring of these emissions and guide towards its net zero ambition.
It was noted that in 2021, East Lindsey District Council’s total emissions decreased by 26.3% compared to the baseline year (2019), however they increased compared to the previous year by 8.3%, going from 1,756.5 tCO2e to 1,902.8 tCO2e.
In the 2020 Carbon Footprint, significant reductions were made to our emissions totalling 32%, however some of these resulted from impacts of the COVID pandemic, such as reduced occupancy of buildings and agile working. Whilst it was hoped to maintain these gains as far as possible, re-opening of facilities and offices, alongside partial returns to the office, had resulted in an increase in electricity, gas, waste and commuting emissions this year. The figures for energy use for the operational fleet were laid out within the report.
With methodology for carbon foot printing continuously evolving, the Carbon Trust had advised the Council should also seek to include upstream scope 3 emissions in the 2021 Carbon Footprint, which had not been considered so far. These were emissions that arose from the production, refining, and transport, of the considered activities, providing a truer picture of their impact. The inclusion of upstream scope 3 emissions would again bring ELDC’s footprint in line with current methodology. Upstream Scope 3 emissions must be measured as part of the Council’s Carbon Footprint to truly achieve net zero. The upstream scope 3 emissions in 2021 totalled 445.2 tCO2e.
The Climate Change and Environment Team had identified LED lighting upgrades at Louth Street Scene Depot as a decarbonisation project which was estimated to achieve an emissions reduction of 1.09tCO2e/yr. Unfortunately, works had not progressed as anticipated in 2021 due to resourcing pressures on the Property Services team, however these upgrades were due to be completed before the end of the current financial year, and they would therefore begin to have an impact on the Carbon Footprint for 2023.
It was noted that a significant piece of work would be undertaken during the coming months to establish a Carbon Footprint for assets operated by Magna Vitae on behalf of the Council and to undertake an important decarbonisation study for leisure facilities, including fitness suites and the Embassy Theatre. This work would ensure that ... view the full minutes text for item 72