Issue - meetings

Partnership Litter and Fly Tipping Strategy:

Meeting: 15/02/2023 - Executive Board (Item 75)

75 Draft Litter and Fly-Tipping Engagement and Enforcement Strategy: pdf icon PDF 205 KB

To advise Executive Board on a Draft Partnership Litter and Fly-Tipping Engagement and Enforcement Strategy and seek approval to proceed with public consultation.

Additional documents:


That the Litter and Fly-Tipping Engagement and Enforcement Strategy and Action Plan be approved, with the commitment to review and carry out consultation in six months.



A report was presented that introduced the draft Litter and Fly-Tipping Engagement and Enforcement strategy proposed for adoption across the South and East Lincolnshire Council Partnership. The strategy set out the ambition to tackle these issues through a stronger focus on engagement, education and enforcement.  An Action Plan had been developed to support the strategy and detail the key activities to take place which included a social media campaign, improved signage and deployment of overt cameras to act as a deterrent and capture evidence. The new enviro-crime enforcement contract, which had just been adopted across the Partnership, would also see an increase in enforcement for littering, fly-tipping and other environmental offences as well as patrols and the capability to respond to community concerns. The Strategy was attached at Appendix A.  Thanks were extended to the officers involved.


The Portfolio Holder for Operational Services highlighted a change to the recommendations as follows:


That Executive Board approve the Litter and Fly-Tipping Engagement and Enforcement Strategy and Action Plan. with the commitment to review and carry out consultation in six months.’


It was considered that a review and consultation after 6 months would be more meaningful.




That the Litter and Fly-Tipping Engagement and Enforcement Strategy and Action Plan be approved, with the commitment to review and carry out consultation in six months.



To enable the Council to take forward the Strategy and Action Plan to tackle the issues of Litter and Fly-tipping. A review will be carried out in six months to consider the impact that the Strategy and Action Plan are having on the issues of litter and fly-tipping.


Other options:

Do nothing.