Lincolnshire District Councils' Health and Wellbeing Strategy;
Meeting: 15/02/2023 - Executive Board (Item 73)
73 Lincolnshire District Councils' Health and Wellbeing Strategy: PDF 346 KB
To consider the adoption of the Lincolnshire Districts Health & Wellbeing Strategy and associated Action Plan as a framework for improving health and wellbeing across the County and to commit to working closely with partners in the public, private and voluntary sector to implement the strategy and positively impact on health outcomes for residents of Lincolnshire.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Executive Summary - Lincolnshire District Councils' Health Wellbeing Strategy, item 73 PDF 376 KB
- Appendix 2 - Lincolnshire District Councils' Health and Wellbeing Strategy, item 73 PDF 1 MB
- Appendix 3 - Away Day Overview, item 73 PDF 343 KB
- Appendix 4 - Output from Partner Away Day, item 73 PDF 184 KB
- Appendix 5 - Action Plan, item 73 PDF 352 KB
That the Lincolnshire Districts Health and Wellbeing Strategy be adopted as a document, which provides the Council with the framework for improving health and wellbeing in the South and East Lincolnshire Partnership Sub-Region, and to commit to engaging fully in both the further development of this strategy and the delivery of the actions outlined.
The Portfolio Holder for Better Ageing, introduced a report to enable consideration of the adoption of the Lincolnshire Districts Health & Wellbeing Strategy and associated Action Plan as a framework for improving health and wellbeing across the County and to commit to working closely with partners in the public, private and voluntary sector to implement the strategy and positively impact on health outcomes for residents of Lincolnshire.
Lincolnshire district councils were committed to developing an ambitious agenda for improving health and wellbeing in Lincolnshire. Tackling health inequalities through policy areas where district councils influenced social determinants of health, working collaboratively across the districts and with strategic health system partners. A strategy had been developed focussing on 5 key lever areas. These areas were noted as: Housing & Homelessness, Activity & Wellbeing, Environment & Climate, Economic Inclusion and Working with Communities.
The Strategy was an overarching document, developed by engagement across Lincolnshire within the health system. Following the Covid Pandemic, the 7 Lincolnshire authorities had developed a culture of working closer together on challenges. The district councils were committed to continuing this culture and to developing an ambitious agenda to improve health and wellbeing in the county through the Lincs Health and Wellbeing Board, Integrated Care Partnership and Leaders, Chief Executives and Officers. Members noted the Executive Summary at Appendix 1, the Strategy at Appendix 2 and the Action Plan at Appendix 5. For transparency Councillor Gray asked it be noted that he was currently a member of the Lincolnshire Integrated Greater Care Board, the Lincolnshire Integrated Care Partnership and the Lincolnshire Wellbeing Board and he chaired the Housing Health and Care Delivery Group on behalf of the Lincolnshire County Council and the Healthy Living Board on behalf of the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership.
Councillor Gray concluded by extending his thanks to officers for their work.
During discussion Members were fully supportive of the recommendations and the Portfolio Holder for the Coastal Economy advised that this was a far reaching document that would make a real difference to residents.
That the Lincolnshire Districts Health and Wellbeing Strategy be adopted as a document, which provides the Council with the framework for improving health and wellbeing in the South and East Lincolnshire Partnership Sub-Region, and to commit to engaging fully in both the further development of this strategy and the delivery of the actions outlined.
The Strategy is an overarching document, developed through engagement with agencies across Lincolnshire within the health system. It gives a solid strategic framework and high-level objectives to use to further develop the Healthy Living Action Plan for the South & East Lincolnshire Partnership to drive local delivery in addressing health inequalities.
It demonstrates a clear commitment to shared objectives to improving the health and wellbeing of local residents through district action.
Other options:
Not to adopt the strategy – not recommended.