Issue - meetings

Proposed Transfer of Procurement and Contracts function to Public Sector Partnership Service Ltd. Procurement and Contract Team:

Meeting: 22/03/2023 - Executive Board (Item 88)

88 Proposed Transfer of Procurement and Contracts function to Public Sector Partnership Service Ltd. Procurement and Contract Team: pdf icon PDF 226 KB

To consider an alternative option for the future delivery of procurement and contract services across the Partnership.  


N.B. Appendix A is Exempt by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.

Additional documents:


1)              That the transfer of procurement and contract services to PSPS Ltd. be approved as set out in the business case at Appendix A;


2)              That the ability to approve the necessary deed of variation (which supports changes to the Joint Venture Stakeholder Agreement) and amend any contract documentation resulting from the inclusion of Procurement into PSPS Ltd. be delegated to Robert Barlow, Chief Executive.



N.B. Councillor Fry declared that he was a Director of Public Sector Partnership Services Ltd and would withdraw from discussion and voting thereon.


The report was consequently presented by the Portfolio Holder for Better Ageing.  This report enabled consideration of an alternative option for the future delivery of procurement and contract services across the Partnership, namely the transfer of procurement and contract services into an alternative provider to supply a single streamlined approach to procurement across the Partnership. 


The Portfolio Holder alluded to the benefits of alignment which were highlighted as, shared opportunities, consistency, compliance and being more proactive, including provision of value for money.  The proposed service would have a team structure of 7 officers and the service would offer:


·       A full procurement service, including early market engagement, procurement analysis, managing the tender process from start to award and spend analysis;

·       Strategic procurement delivery, such as ensuring policies and procedures were in place; 

·       Amendment of the contract procedure rules across the partnership;

·       Contract management and contractual services, including the managing the contracts, register, reviewing in contracts spend;

·       Facilitating contractor review meetings by attending and providing a standard agenda and minutes;

·        Reviewing contract terms to ensure fair and fit for purpose




1)              That the transfer of procurement and contract services to PSPS Ltd. be approved as set out in the business case at Appendix A;


2)              That the ability to approve the necessary deed of variation (which supports changes to the Joint Venture Stakeholder Agreement) and amend any contract documentation resulting from the inclusion of Procurement into PSPS Ltd. be delegated to Robert Barlow, Chief Executive.



N.B. Councillor Fry abstained from the vote.



The business case sets out a clear proposal for the future provision of procurement and contract services across the three Councils, as well as being a financially positive proposition.


Other options:

To do nothing, which would result in the partnership having 3 different solutions for procurement and contract work.