Issue - meetings

Performance Management Framework and Corporate Improvement Programme:

Meeting: 14/06/2023 - Executive Board (Item 5)

5 Performance and Governance Framework: pdf icon PDF 180 KB

To consider the quarterly report covering performance and risk monitoring information for Quarter 4 End of Year of 2022/23 (as at March 2023).

Additional documents:


That the performance and risk information contained within the Quarter 4/End of Year 2022/23 Monitoring Report be noted.


The quarterly report covering performance and risk monitoring information for Quarter 4/End of Year of 2022/23 (as at March 2023) was presented for consideration. 


Following which it was




That the performance and risk information contained within the Quarter 4/End of Year 2022/23  Monitoring Report be noted.



To monitor delivery of performance and governance objectives and to support future planning and decision making within the Council.


Other options considered:

Alternative reporting arrangements