Issue - meetings

Making’ the Skegness Neighbourhood Development Plan:

Meeting: 05/07/2023 - Executive Board (Item 13)

13 Requesting Executive Board to 'make' the Skegness Neighbourhood Plan: pdf icon PDF 300 KB

To consider on behalf of the Council as Local Planning Authority the Skegness Neighbourhood Plan.

Additional documents:


That the making of the Skegness Neighbourhood Plan be approved by the Executive on behalf of the Council as the Local Planning Authority.


A report was presented by the Portfolio Holder for Planning that introduced the Skegness Neighbourhood Plan, which had now passed a referendum.  Executive Board was therefore requested to make the Skegness Neighbourhood Plan on behalf of the Council as the Local Planning Authority.


During his introduction, the Portfolio Holder for Planning advised he was genuinely delighted that another community in East Lindsey had successfully completed the stages required, including consultation and the May Referendum, to present for adoption their Neighbourhood Plan.  It was highlighted that the plan was built on national policies and the Portfolio Holder made reference to page 55 of the agenda pack that referred to provision for car parking provision for new developments, linking in with the existing East Lindsey Local Plan.  Further to a question on weight attributed to the Plan, the Portfolio Holder advised that the Neighbourhood Development Plan carried full weight and was a tool to shape and tailor policies locally and nationally, but was not intended to stop development that was already factored into the existing East Lindsey Local Plan.


During discussion Members supported fully and agreed it was an excellent comprehensive document, worthy of being used as a blueprint by others aspiring to a neighbourhood plan.


Following which, it was




That the making of the Skegness Neighbourhood Plan be approved by the Executive on behalf of the Council as the Local Planning Authority.



The Neighbourhood Development Plan has been through Independent Examination via written representations and has passed a local referendum, therefore the legislation requires the Council to make the plan unless any of the scenarios set out section 38A(6) exist. Officers consider that that none of the scenarios exist in this case.


Other options:

Do nothing: this would be contrary to the legislative requirements placed on the Council as Local Planning Authority to either ‘make’ or refuse to ‘make’.