Issue - meetings

Notice of Motion:

Meeting: 11/10/2023 - Council (Item 52)

Motions on Notice:

To receive Motions on Notice under Council Procedure Rule 12.


Preparation for political parties manifestos for the coming election


Following advice at the recent Rural Services Network annual conference, we propose that our Leader should write to all national political parties as they prepare their manifestos for the coming election, to ensure they acknowledge one size does not fit all and that in future rural areas should receive fair funding to enable us to effectively deliver both services and healthcare provision.


Proposer: Cllr Jill Makinson-Sanders

Seconder: Cllr Edward Mossop


The following Motion was received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12:


Preparation for political parties’ manifestos for the coming election


Following advice at the recent Rural Services Network annual conference, we propose that our Leader should write to all national political parties as they prepare their manifestos for the coming election, to ensure they acknowledge one size does not fit all and that in future rural areas should receive fair funding to enable us to effectively deliver both services and healthcare provision.


Proposer: Cllr Jill Makinson-Sanders

Seconder: Cllr Edward Mossop


In her introduction, Councillor Makinson-Sanders explained that she recently attended the Rural Services Network Annual Conference whereby it was suggested that all rural councils should contact the major parties as they drew up their manifestos for the forthcoming election, pointing out how much more it cost providing services in rural areas and consequently how disadvantaged the rate payers were as a result of this and asked Members to support the Motion.


In addition, Councillor Makinson-Sanders asked that the Council also wrote to the Times newspaper for more publicity for rural areas and fairer funding.


In support of the Motion, Councillor Mossop stated that the Council should be appraising all prospective parliamentary candidates in the run up to a potential election in 2024 where some of the new candidates may not be aware of the rurality in East Lindsey as the current MPs were.


Councillor Graham Marsh stated that he had great pleasure in supporting the Motion as for long as he could remember Lincolnshire had been under funded and as a community hoped that the Council’s voice would be heard.


In response, the Chairman of Executive Board stated that he was very happy to support the Motion.  He had recently attended a Local Government Association seminar on the Rural Services Network which was an excellent organisation who had explored the issues and understood that the challenges faced by rural communities were multi layered and stated that he was happy to write to the MPs to make the point.


Following which on being put to the vote it was,




That the Motion be supported.