Issue - meetings

Declarations of Interest (if any):

Meeting: 05/10/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 29)

Disclosure of Interests (if any):


At this point in the Meeting, Members were invited to disclose any relevant interests.  The following interests were disclosed:


       Councillor Sid Dennis asked it be noted that he would be speaking as Ward Member on Item 5.   In relation to Item 6, Mr David Scott was known to him, therefore he would be leaving the Meeting for that Item.


       Councillor Dick Edginton asked it be noted that in relation to Item 6, Mr David Scott was known to him but he would remain in the Meeting.


       Councillor Neil Jones asked it be noted that in relation to Item 6, Mr David Scott was known to him but he would remain in the Meeting.


       Councillors Stephen Eyre, Sid Dennis and Dick Edginton asked it be noted that they were Members of the Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board.