Issue - meetings

Declarations of Interest (if any):

Meeting: 09/05/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 11)

Disclosure of Interests (if any):


At this point in the Meeting, Members were invited to disclose any relevant interests.  The following interests were disclosed:


  • Councillor Ruchira Yarsley asked it be noted, that in relation to Item 6 she was Ward Member, however she remained of an open mind.


  • In relation to Item 7, Councillor Steve McMillan was advised that as he had not attended the last meeting, but he did attend the site visit to the school, he would be able to join in the discussion but would not be able to vote. 


  • In relation to Item 7, Councillor Sam Kemp was advised that as he had not attended the site visit to the school, he would be able to join in the discussion but would not be able to vote. 


  • Councillor David Hall asked it be noted, that in relation to Item 5 he was Ward Member, however he remained of an open mind and he had received but not read correspondence on Item 5.


  • Councillor Neil Jones asked it be noted that in relation to Item 7, his grandson attended Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School in Horncastle, however he remained of an open mind.  He also had received but not read correspondence in relation to Item 5.


  • Councillor Cunnington asked it be noted that in relation to Item 5 he had received some correspondence.


  • Councillor Stephen Eyre asked it be noted, that in relation to Item 5 he was a small supplier to Morrisons and following legal advice, would not vote on that application. 


  • Councillors Dick Edginton, Stephen Eyre, Neil Jones and Daniel McNally asked it be noted that they were Members of the Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board.