Issue - meetings

Notice of Motion:

Meeting: 13/12/2023 - Council (Item 76)

Motions on Notice:

To receive Motions on Notice under Council Procedure Rule 12.


Motion 1:

Proposed by Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders

Seconded by Councillor Ru Yarsley


We propose that as a forward looking council with ambition, we should resolve to establish a small new department serving the Partnership to develop a road map to take advantage of all AI can offer to assist us in enhancing services and reducing costs.


Motion 2:

Proposed by Councillor Travis Hesketh

Seconded by Councillor Robert Watson


Development of the Theddlethorpe Gas Terminal Site


Theddlethorpe Gas Terminal (TGT) operated from 1972 to 2018. It  consists of 70 Acres of industrialised land comprising hardstanding, public footpaths, roads and services which were occupied by ConocoPhillips and National Grid. The site is owned by National Grid. An extended area includes farmland, commercial and residential properties. The site has and is being cleared of industrial equipment and infrastructure. Remediation included in the decommissioning plan required restoration to agricultural land. It is directly adjacent to the Kings Nature Reserve, Seal sanctuary and holiday camps. It is served by the A1031.



We strongly urge ELDC to take the following actions:


·       Carry out a public consultation to shape the vision for the TGT site. To be completed within the next 6 months. The site is in the Withern and Theddlethorpe ward and directly adjacent to Mablethorpe. The consultation should, therefore, include these wards. This consultation is to gauge the sentiment of the local residents toward the uses for the site.

·       Design and synchronise this consultation exercise to maximise public participation and minimise costs. Use multiple tactics to solicit input. This approach will ensure that as many residents as possible can have their voices heard on this critical matter.

·       Present the consultation plan to the elected councillors.

·       Analyse and provide raw data and a public report on the outcome. Commit to respecting the outcome of the consultation as an essential reflection of the community's wishes and sentiments.

·       With a vision for the area confirmed ELDC will be able to turn the vision into detailed proposals prior to a further consultation.


By adopting this motion, East Lindsey District Council reaffirms its commitment to upholding the principles of democracy, transparency, and accountability, as well as its responsibility to protect the interests of its constituents and the efficient use of public resources.




Planning requirement to return to agriculture


Motion 3:


Proposed by Councillor Travis Hesketh

Seconded by Councillor Robert Watson


Understanding if Withern and Theddlethorpe and Mablethorpe (the Search Area) Are Willing Participants in the GDF project.



This council acknowledges the potential impact that the proposed nuclear waste Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) has on the local communities of Withern, Theddlethorpe, and Mablethorpe. This impact extends beyond the local residents to businesses, tourism, East Lindsey District Council (ELDC), and Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) resources, as well as the financial burden on taxpayers.


Furthermore, this council appreciates the commitment of ELDC and LCC to establish a Test of Public Opinion in  ...  view the full agenda text for item 76


The following Motions were received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12:


Motion 1


Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in relation to enhancing services and reducing costs


‘We propose that as a forward-looking council with ambition, we should resolve to establish a small new department serving the Partnership to develop a road map to take advantage of all AI can offer to assist us in enhancing services and reducing costs’.


Proposer: Cllr Jill Makinson-Sanders

Seconder: Cllr Ru Yarsley


In her introduction, Councillor Makinson-Sanders explained that she had since spoken to the Leader of the Council who had suggested that meetings be held across the Partnership in early 2024 to look at what benefits AI could provide, with a view to looking to take this forward.


In response, the Leader stated that AI was a subject that needed to be understood fully and that it needed to be considered across the Partnership.




That the Motion be withdrawn.


Motion 2


Development of the Theddlethorpe Gas Terminal Site


‘Theddlethorpe Gas Terminal (TGT) operated from 1972 to 2018. It consists of 70 Acres of industrialised land comprising hardstanding, public footpaths, roads and services which were occupied by ConocoPhillips and National Grid. The site is owned by National Grid. An extended area includes farmland, commercial and residential properties. The site has and is being cleared of industrial equipment and infrastructure. Remediation included in the decommissioning plan required restoration to agricultural land. It is directly adjacent to the Kings Nature Reserve, Seal sanctuary and holiday camps. It is served by the A1031.


We strongly urge ELDC to take the following actions:


·       Carry out a public consultation to shape the vision for the TGT site. To be completed within the next 6 months. The site is in the Withern and Theddlethorpe ward and directly adjacent to Mablethorpe. The consultation should, therefore, include these wards. This consultation is to gauge the sentiment of the local residents toward the uses for the site.

·       Design and synchronise this consultation exercise to maximise public participation and minimise costs. Use multiple tactics to solicit input. This approach will ensure that as many residents as possible can have their voices heard on this critical matter.

·       Present the consultation plan to the elected councillors.

·       Analyse and provide raw data and a public report on the outcome. Commit to respecting the outcome of the consultation as an essential reflection of the community's wishes and sentiments.

·       With a vision for the area confirmed ELDC will be able to turn the vision into detailed proposals prior to a further consultation.


By adopting this motion, East Lindsey District Council reaffirms its commitment to upholding the principles of democracy, transparency, and accountability, as well as its responsibility to protect the interests of its constituents and the efficient use of public resources’.


Proposer: Cllr Travis Hesketh

Seconder: Cllr Robert Watson


In his introduction, Councillor Hesketh explained that further to advice from the Legal Manager, he wished to make two changes to the Motion as follows:


·       In relation to the wording,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 76