Issue - meetings

Joint Scrutiny of the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership:

Meeting: 10/01/2024 - Executive Board (Item 53)

Joint Scrutiny of the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership:

To review the Partnership’s progress against opportunities identified in the business case and key lines of enquiry.

Additional documents:



1.               That the report (Appendix A) and associated recommendations be noted;


2.               That approval be given by the Executive for the recommendations contained within the report.



A Joint Scrutiny Report of the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership was presented to enable a review of the Partnership’s progress against opportunities identified in the business case and key lines of enquiry.


During discussion it was confirmed that points raised by Overview Committee in reviewing the report on 28 November 2023, (Overview Committee Minute no 60 refers) had been included. 


Members supported the recommendations and extended thanks to Councillors and Officers involved under the Chairmanship of Councillor Brewis, Chair and report author, South Holland District Council.




1.               That the report (Appendix A) and associated recommendations be noted;


2.               That approval be given by the Executive for the recommendations contained within the report.



To continue to learn, build on our experiences and continue our success as a Partnership of Councils.


Other options:
