Issue - meetings

Report of the Chairman of the Executive Board:

Meeting: 28/02/2024 - Council (Item 86)

86 Report of the Chairman of the Executive Board: pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Report of the Chairman of Executive Board.


The Leader of the Council presented Members with his report and also referred Members to the electronic communication circulated to Members relating to the Council’s position on the current National Grid proposal to run a 400kV overhead transmission from Grimsby to Walpole.  A copy of this is attached to the Minutes at Appendix A.


Following which, questions and comments were put forward as follows:


Flood Support


Councillor Martin asked it be noted that the donation of £2k should read Horncastle Town Council, not Centre.  Thanks were also conveyed to all ELDC staff who worked so hard after the flood to support Members and administered the grants which had been widely and gratefully accepted


It was highlighted that the Environment Agency’s (EA) report on the flooding had just been published which raised a lot of concerns and it was suggested that Overview Committee should undertake some scrutiny work around this.


A Member echoed the Leader’s comments and congratulations regarding the work of the staff, particularly the Wellbeing Team and the Planning Department and highlighted the remarkable impact their work had made,


In response, the Leader acknowledged the concerns raised with the EA’s report and endorsed that this should go to Overview Committee to carry out a piece of scrutiny work.  Flooding was an issue that the Council had to deal with across East Lindsey, and it was not just the potential of the sea flooding but also the rivers and surface water flooding which was a critical issue in some of the communities.




A Member thanked the Leader for referencing the funding allocated to Goulceby Church and highlighted this as a good example of a community working together and the benefits it could achieve.


In response, the Leader appreciated hearing the gratitude of the residents and stated that it was always good to hear when things happened locally to make a difference to people’s lives.


Digital Support


A Member passed her thanks to Lincs Digital for providing the service and was pleased that this service had finally come to Louth.




A Member thanked the Leader for his report and offered his congratulations to the officers who were being rewarded for their achievements.


Wellbeing Service Delivery – Case Study


Further to the case study referred, a Member asked that her thanks be noted to the Wellbeing Service for its excellent work on behalf of her residents.


Recognition was also given to the Household Support Fund which had reached families in need in the district’s communities and who were very grateful for the help they had received.


In response, the Leader commented that a lot of work was undertaken but unseen by members of the public in relation to vulnerable people and sensitive cases.  It was highlighted that the officers did a sterling job every day with a 24-hour service in operation and his thanks and appreciation went to them.


Planning Service Update


The Portfolio Holder for Planning thanked the Leader for his kind words in respect of the Planning Service  ...  view the full minutes text for item 86