Issue - meetings

Notice of Motion:

Meeting: 28/02/2024 - Council (Item 95)

Motions on Notice:

To receive Motions on Notice under Council Procedure Rule 12.


Proposed by Councillor Claire Arnold 

Seconded by Councillor Ros Jackson 


Violence against women and girls


Violence against women and girls is a serious problem that isn't improving quickly enough. 


According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), in England and Wales during the 2021/22 period: 


1.    6.9% of women aged over 16 were victims of domestic abuse. 

2.    3.3% of women aged over 16 were victims of sexual assault.

3.    4.9% of women aged over 16 were victims of stalking.

4.    There were 2887 cases of honour-based abuse recorded by police.

5.    24.8% of women had experienced abuse before the age of 16. 


East Lindsey District Council must seriously consider and play its part by working together, informing others, and encouraging people to reduce the rates of these horrific crimes. 


Therefore, we propose, that by resolution that East Lindsey District Council will: 


1.    Encourage all Councillors to take the White Ribbon Pledge, never to take part in, condone, or stay silent about violence against women.

2.    Undertake the steps to achieve White Ribbon Accreditation, joining many councils and public sector bodies that have already done so.  

3.    Train frontline staff to recognise the signs of Violence Against Women and Girls. 

4.    Act to reduce harms.  

5.    Communicate with the public to raise awareness of the signs of Violence Against Women and Girls and coercive control. 

6.    Appoint a male Councillor as an Ambassador and a female Councillor as a Champion

7.    Mark White Ribbon Day on 25th November each year with a fundraising / awareness event. 


The following Motion was received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12:


Violence against women and girls


‘Violence against women and girls is a serious problem that isn't improving quickly enough. 


According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), in England and Wales during the 2021/22 period: 


  1. 6.9% of women aged over 16 were victims of domestic abuse. 
  2. 3.3% of women aged over 16 were victims of sexual assault.
  3. 4.9% of women aged over 16 were victims of stalking.
  4. There were 2887 cases of honour-based abuse recorded by police.
  5. 24.8% of women had experienced abuse before the age of 16. 


East Lindsey District Council must seriously consider and play its part by working together, informing others, and encouraging people to reduce the rates of these horrific crimes. 


Therefore, we propose, that by resolution that East Lindsey District Council will: 


  1. Encourage all Councillors to take the White Ribbon Pledge, never to take part in, condone, or stay silent about violence against women.
  2. Undertake the steps to achieve White Ribbon Accreditation, joining many councils and public sector bodies that have already done so.  
  3. Train frontline staff to recognise the signs of Violence Against Women and Girls. 
  4. Act to reduce harms.  
  5. Communicate with the public to raise awareness of the signs of Violence Against Women and Girls and coercive control. 
  6. Appoint a male Councillor as an Ambassador and a female Councillor as a Champion
  7. Mark White Ribbon Day on 25th November each year with a fundraising / awareness event’.


Proposer: Councillor Claire Arnold

Seconder: Councillor Ros Jackson


In her introduction, Councillor Arnold added that she would like to see all Councillors stand together and work collaboratively to raise awareness about men’s violence against women and girls and together this could change harmful and negative cultures and to take an organisational wide approach to promote a safe and positive work culture and a healthy place to be.  By becoming accredited, a strategic plan could be created for all levels of the Council structure where it could empower each and every one to speak out and stop violence against women.


Councillor Jackson added that many staff across Lincolnshire had already highlighted violence against women and girls and this had also been included in Lincolnshire Police’s Campaign ‘You’re right, that’s wrong’.  Unlike a normal motion, it was not possible to illustrate with a specific example but it was stressed that this was happening in Members’ wards and had devastating impacts.  Behind the statistics, lives were ruined, women and families were uprooted and health damaged and this also resulted in additional costs including safeguarding, rehoming victims, Wellbeing Service, police, NHS and other services.  In conclusion, Councillor Jackson urged Members to support the Motion.


The Deputy Leader of the Council agreed with the comments made and added that the more people were prepared to stand and say it was not acceptable, the better chance there was of stamping it out and considered it an excellent Motion to support.


The Portfolio Holder for Coastal Economy concurred with the comments  ...  view the full minutes text for item 95