Issue - meetings

South & East Lincolnshire Community Lottery – 1 year update:

Meeting: 14/02/2024 - Executive Board (Item 66)

66 South and East Lincolnshire Council's Community Lottery - One year progress: pdf icon PDF 296 KB

To provide an overview of the first year of the South and East Lincolnshire Community Lottery Scheme.

Additional documents:


1.       That the progress of the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Community Lottery scheme be noted and that Members support its continuation.

2.       That the changes to the ‘minimum age limits’ to participate in the community lottery scheme be noted.

3.       That the central fund income be used to support civic community pride events designed to celebrate and promote voluntary and community sector activity, including the act of volunteering within the borough of Boston and the East Lindsey and South Holland Districts.

4.       That the details of a data security incident on 8th November 2023 be noted.



The Portfolio Holder for Partnerships presented to provide an overview of the first year of the South and East Lincolnshire Community Lottery Scheme. 


This report was brought forward to give Members an overview on activity over the last year relating to the community lottery since its initial launch and how it had met its expectations to enable additional funding to be raised for community-based initiatives and partnership opportunities within voluntary and community sectors across South and East Lincolnshire.  A breakdown of local good causes currently part of the scheme was included at Appendix B to the report. 


During her introduction of the report, the Portfolio Holder referred to the Central Fund income, as detailed at recommendation 3 of the report, currently £2,450 available to each sovereign Council.  It was suggested that this funding was utilised to support and promote civic community pride events, including supporting volunteering schemes in the district, whilst bringing this report forward.


Further reference was made to a change in the Gambling Act 2005.  Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the report detailed the changes as of 1st October 2023, which had been updated into policies. The Council’s external lottery management company, had updated their platforms accordingly.


The report also provided a reference to a nationally related data security incident notified to us, which had been responded to. This was detailed at paragraph 6 of the report presented.


Finally, it was noted that to ensure positive performance, a new targeted communication and promotion calendar would be in place. This would include reaching out to good causes to ensure they were aware of the scheme and the benefit it provided successfully monitored through both quantitative measures, number of tickets sold, number of good causes and quality of case study evidence. 




1.                  That the progress of the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Community Lottery scheme be noted and that Members support its continuation.


2.                  That the changes to the ‘minimum age limits’ to participate in the community lottery scheme be noted.


3.                  That the central fund income be used to support civic community pride events designed to celebrate and promote voluntary and community sector activity, including the act of volunteering within the borough of Boston and the East Lindsey and South Holland Districts.


4.         That the details of a data security incident on 8th November 2023 be noted.



To continue to raise funds for local voluntary and community groups across South and East Lincolnshire via the South and East Lincolnshire Community Lottery Scheme.


To promote and encourage voluntary and community sector activity within the borough of Boston and East Lindsey and South Holland Districts.


Other options:

Draw the current scheme to a close (not recommended) and seek alternative fund raising activities.