Issue - meetings

Performance and Governance Framework:

Meeting: 14/02/2024 - Executive Board (Item 63)

63 Performance and Governance Framework - Quarter 3 Monitoring Report 2023/24: pdf icon PDF 241 KB

To consider information relating to the Council’s Performance and Governance Framework at the end of Quarter 3 2023/24 (as at December 2023).

Additional documents:


That the performance and risk information contained within the report and appendices be noted.


A report was presented to bring together information relating to the Council’s Performance and Governance Framework at the end of Quarter 3 2023/24 (as at December 2023).


During his introduction of the report the Leader of the Council advised that Portfolio Holders would be aware of any performance issues.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning was pleased to note that Planning showed a set of positive indicators. 




That the performance and risk information contained within the report and appendices be noted.



To monitor delivery of performance and governance objectives and to support future planning and decision making within the Council.


Other options:

Alternative reporting arrangements.