Issue - meetings

Street Art & Graffiti Policy

Meeting: 20/03/2024 - Executive Board (Item 77)

77 Street Art & Graffiti Policy pdf icon PDF 260 KB

To consider adopting the Street Art & Graffiti Management Policy to establish street art in East Lindsey to provide safe and welcoming public spaces for our communities.

Additional documents:


1.       That the Street Art and Graffiti Policy be approved.


2.       That any final amendments and future changes to the Policy be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture.


3.       That the outcome of the Piloting phase which took place in South Holland be noted.


A report was presented that set out the proposal for the adoption of a new Graffiti and Street Art management policy, detailed at Appendix A to the report presented, to enable the development of street art in the district and in support of the sub regional strategy and the culture framework strategy.


The Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture outlined the background to the report, including the policy developed by South Holland District Council after receiving a local petition requesting a street art wall from local residents and artists in 2021.


It was now the intention to work towards adoption of the policy across the South and East Lincolnshire Council Partnership, (S&ELCP) sub region. It was highlighted the policy enabled the Council to remove street art where it did not meet the guidelines laid out in the policy, delivering best practice in graffiti management. The policy also enabled the potential for using street art to engage with young people and provide the opportunity to work with artists as part of our cultural offer to develop their creativity in dedicated spaces rather than going down the route of illegal graffiti.


The Portfolio Holder highlighted the benefit of using street art promote culture and heritage in our area and asked Members to support the recommendations, noting that recommendation 1 was to approve the policy by Executive Board. 





1.       That the Street Art and Graffiti Policy be approved.


2.       That any final amendments and future changes to the Policy be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture.


3.       That the outcome of the Piloting phase which took place in South Holland be noted.



This policy enables a safe space for local artists to create and develop street art while empowering the Council to remove art that does not meet the required standards. The policy is based on best practice policies in operation across the country and internationally.


Other options:

Do nothing, no space is provided for this type of art.