Issue - meetings

Local Development Order - Skegness Gateway:

Meeting: 20/03/2024 - Executive Board (Item 75)

75 Local Development Order - Skegness Gateway: pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider a report pertaining to the making of a Local Development Order (LDO) for the mixed-use development known as “Skegness Gateway”.

Additional documents:


1.       That the making of, and the formal adoption of the Skegness Gateway LDO be approved, subject to the satisfactory completion of all associated legal agreements which will include those entered into pursuant to section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) as well as others which are not;


2.       That the Assistant Director: Planning & Strategic Infrastructure (or alternative Officer as may be authorised by the Chief Executive) be delegated in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders, to make amendments to the Order (including its conditions) and associated documents as may be required prior to its formal adoption, subject to those amendments not significantly altering the material scope or effect of the Order.


A report was presented by the Portfolio Holders for Planning and the Coastal Economy pertaining to the making of a Local Development Order (LDO) for the mixed use development known as “Skegness Gateway”.  In his introduction the Councillor Ashton highlighted the huge amount of work invested in the project and extended his thanks to Mike Gildersleeves, Assistant Director for Planning and Strategic Infrastructure.


The proposals sought to bring forward a mixed use development that would:


1.       Contribute positively to the future of Skegness;

2.       Stimulate the local economy; provide year-round permanent employment through commercial development;

3.       Provide jobs and education facilities to provide learning opportunity, and;

4.       New housing stock contributing to housing needs and assists in the delivery of the wider development project.

5.       Provide significant biodiversity and environmental enhancements.

6.       Provide opportunities for improvements to affordable housing provision, sustainable transport, health and education facilities. 


The principle of this development and the bringing forward of the Local Development Order had been considered by the Planning Policy Committee and Executive Board.


Councillor Ashton referred to the background to the LDO, as detailed at paragraphs 1.1 to 1.6 of the report.  Reference was made to the supporting exception test as detailed at paragraph 8.81 of Appendix 1 to the report and to paragraph 8.85 of Appendix 1 that referred to mitigation proposals.  The Portfolio Holder for Coastal Communities highlighted the benefits to the area in terms of the positive impact on the deprivation challenges faced in Skegness. 


The Portfolio Holder for Finance queried mitigation in place given that climate conditions were changing and negative events becoming more intense.


The Assistant Director, Planning & Strategic Infrastructure highlighted the considerable amount of background technical work undertaken, including extensive rounds of modelling, including breach scenarios. 


During discussion, Members fully supported the recommendations .


Thanks were extended to the Skegness Gateway Team for their attendance and best wishes extended to Mike Gildersleeves in his future role.




1.       That the making of, and the formal adoption of the Skegness Gateway LDO be approved, subject to the satisfactory completion of all associated legal agreements which will include those entered into pursuant to section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) as well as others which are not;


2.       That the Assistant Director: Planning & Strategic Infrastructure (or alternative Officer as may be authorised by the Chief Executive) be delegated in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders, to make amendments to the Order (including its conditions) and associated documents as may be required prior to its formal adoption, subject to those amendments not significantly altering the material scope or effect of the Order.



It is considered that the proposed Skegness Gateway LDO could be made and formally adopted, subject to the satisfactory conclusion of all associated legal agreements. In the event these are not completed, the Order would not be made or adopted.


Additionally, scope is also requested to make amendments as necessary to the Order and associated documents prior to adoption,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 75