Issue - meetings

Productivity Plan 24/25:

Meeting: 08/05/2024 - Executive Board (Item 89)

89 Productivity Plan: pdf icon PDF 156 KB

To consider the Productivity Plan.

Additional documents:


That the Productivity Plan at Appendix A, underpinned by the items listed at 2.4 in the report, be approved, and delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director – Corporate to update the Plan from time to time in consultation with the Leader.


A report was presented to enable consideration of the Productivity Plan 2024/2025. 


Members were advised when the Local Government Finance Settlement was published in late 2023, there was a requirement placed on Councils to publish a Productivity Plan. This report brought forward the proposed approach by a succinct plan in line with the Government request, to be submitted prior to the summer parliamentary recess.  Appendix A set out the plan to be published on the Councils website which was a consistent with that of Boston and South Holland District Council. 


The recommendations were duly Proposed and Seconded for approval.




That the Productivity Plan at Appendix A, underpinned by the items listed at 2.4 in the report, be approved, and delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director – Corporate to update the Plan from time to time in consultation with the Leader of the Council.



To deliver on the Government’s requirement and demonstrate the Council’s commitment to collaborative working to deliver efficiency and improved outcomes for communities.


Other options:

Do nothing – not an option due to the Government’s requirement to publish a Productivity Plan.