Issue - meetings

Community Building De-carbonisation Pilot:

Meeting: 20/03/2024 - Executive Board (Item 74)

74 Community Building De-carbonisation Pilot: pdf icon PDF 218 KB

To consider acceptance of a funding award and to amend the Revenue/Capital Budgets for 2024/25 accordingly.



Additional documents:


1.       That approval be granted to accept the funding award of £162,500 and approve delivery of the project as set out in the report;


2.       That approval be granted for the amendment of the revenue budget for 2024/25 to include the £37,500 and to amend the Capital programme for 2024/25 to include the £125,000.



 A report was presented by the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Leisure and Culture and Carbon Reduction that sought Member approval to accept a funding award of £162,500 and to amend the revenue/capital budget for 2024/25 accordingly. 


It was noted that National Gas contacted East Lindsey District Council, via IPB Communications, in June 2023 regarding upgrade works being undertaken at the Hatton Gas Compressor Station.


As part of social and community commitments, funding of £162,500 had been made available to support a project that would provide a legacy in the local area.


A proposal had been developed to support a pilot programme to deliver energy efficiency improvements to community-led assets within a 10-mile radius of the Hatton area and to provide an opportunity to both upskill Council officers and train local volunteers to become green community champions.


The Portfolio Holder outlined the background to the proposal detailed at paragraphs 1.1 to 1.4 of the report presented, including reference to delivery by East Lindsey District Council of a successful programme of grant funded works to domestic properties for over two years, and enquiries received from those responsible for community assets, in particular village halls keen to understand what funding might be available to help make buildings warmer and reduce rising utility costs.


Further reference was made to funding awarded for this programme enabling a pilot project working with a number of community assets within a 10 mile radius of Hatton Gas compressor station as stipulated by the funders, National Gas, as detailed at Appendix A to the report.


Paragraphs 2.1 – 2.9  of the report detailed the potential to tap into additional funding via the Government’s voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) Energy Efficiency Scheme.  Once initial assessments had been undertaken, groups would be invited to apply for a grant share of the capital funding available and would be fully supported from start to finish, as works were undertaken.


The Capital works could include a variety of measures such as fabric upgrades to all roof and floor installations, modern heating controls, LED lighting upgrades and even low carbon heating solutions.


This work complemented the work of the South and East Lincolnshire Carbon Action Network, (SALCAN) in helping to raise awareness of what communities and individuals could do.


The Portfolio Holder highlighted the programme would have a positive impact on the carbon footprint of the district through reducing the carbon emissions from community buildings.


During discussion Members fully supported the recommendations and it was




1.       That approval be granted to accept the funding award of £162,500 and approves delivery of project as set out in the report;


2.       That approval be granted for the amendment of the revenue budget for 2024/25 to include the £37,500 and amend the Capital programme for 2024/25 to include the £125,000.



To enable acceptance of the funding award and to start work on the programme in 2024/25. 


Other options:

To enable acceptance of the funding award and to start work on the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74