Issue - meetings

Partnership Engagement Pledge:

Meeting: 08/05/2024 - Executive Board (Item 90)

90 Partnership Engagement Pledge: pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To consider the Partnership’s Engagement Pledge.

Additional documents:


That the Engagement Pledge at Appendix A be approved.


A report was presented to enable consideration of the Partnership’s Engagement Pledge.  The Pledge set out the Partnership’s key principles when engaging and consulting with the sub-region’s residents, businesses and stakeholders.


Members noted the Engagement Pledge at Appendix A followed South Holland District Council’s (SHDC) Peer Review in July 2023, where a recommendation was to strengthen how the voice of residents and communities inform future service delivery.  Despite this recommendation being specific to SHDC it was recommended that the Partnership adopted this Pledge as part of its corporate approach to engagement.


The recommendation was duly Proposed and Seconded for approval.




That the Engagement Pledge at Appendix A be approved.



To ensure the Partnership has a clear and consistent approach in all engagement activities. 


Other options:

Do nothing – do not adopt the Engagement Pledge. This option is not recommended – it’s good practice to have broad principles of engagement and consultation adopted across the Partnership.