Issue - meetings

South & East Lincolnshire Council Partnership Growth and Prosperity Plan:

Meeting: 08/05/2024 - Executive Board (Item 88)

88 South & East Lincolnshire Council Partnership Growth and Prosperity Plan: pdf icon PDF 289 KB

To consider the South & East Lincolnshire Partnership Growth and Prosperity Plan.

Additional documents:


1.       That the Growth and Prosperity Plan at Appendix A be supported and adopted, subject to any final consultation feedback as agreed with the relevant portfolio holders;


2.       That the Growth and Prosperity Plan be agreed as a line of inquiry in the Partnership’s Annual Scrutiny, complementing the sub-regional strategy process;


3.       That the development of a Locality Plan and investment into Market Towns, Parish’s and Villages be supported specifically for East Lindsey District Council.


N.B. Councillor Adam Grist re-joined the meeting at 6.17pm.


N.B. Councillor Ashton left the meeting at 6.17pm.


A report was presented to enable consideration of the Growth and Prosperity Plan for the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership.


During his introduction, the Portfolio Holder for Market Towns and the Rural Economy referred to the Growth and Prosperity Plan as a document that reflected the visions and priorities of the partnership going forward, able to respond to issues and challenges in each locality.   Reference was also made to the advantage of a unifying document that captured the key priorities around economic growth and themes of focus to underpin the approach to funding and investment and application of resources in the future. 


The Plan had been considered at all Member Briefings and had been refined based on feedback received from members, the evidence base and consultation with stakeholders. 


Further consultation had taken place with the Portfolio Holders for Coastal Economy and Market Towns and Rural Economy and the Leader of the Council.  This had instigated a programme of work that would support the Growth and Prosperity Plan, developing governance and delivery for East Lindsey.


The Portfolio Holder advised of a minor amendment to recommendations 1 & 2 as follows:


‘1.       The Executive Board supports the Growth and Prosperity Plan at Appendix A, and adopts the Plan subject to any final consultation feedback as agreed with the relevant portfolio holders.

2.       The Executive Board agrees to the Growth and Prosperity Plan becoming a line of inquiry in the Partnership’s Annual Scrutiny, complementing the sub-regional strategy process.’


The recommendations were duly Proposed and Seconded for approval.


Following which it was




1.              That the Growth and Prosperity Plan at Appendix A be supported and adopted, subject to any final consultation feedback as agreed with the relevant portfolio holders;


2.              That the Growth and Prosperity Plan be agreed as a line of inquiry in the Partnership’s Annual Scrutiny, complementing the sub-regional strategy process;


3.       That the development of a Locality Plan and investment into Market Towns, Parish’s and Villages be supported specifically for East Lindsey District Council.



The Growth and Prosperity Plan will reflect the vision and priorities of the 24/25 – 28/29 Sub-Regional Strategy and align strategic priorities across the Councils to further support the benefits of collaborative working. A single Growth and Prosperity Plan for the Partnership will demonstrate to external partners our alignment and collective focus on a prosperous, productive and creative economy. This will be particularly helpful when engaging with partners and businesses, Government and funders, and leveraging further investment into the sub-region.


Other options:

No nothing. It has already been agreed by Councillors, through the priorities of the sub-regional strategy, that a Growth and Prosperity Plan should be developed. Therefore, this option is not recommended.