Issue - meetings

Environment Policy:

Meeting: 09/07/2024 - Executive Board (Item 8)

8 Environment Policy: pdf icon PDF 251 KB

To consider approval for a new South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership Environment Policy to underpin the Sub-Regional Strategy.

Additional documents:


That the Environment Policy be approved for adoption.



A report was presented to seek approval for a new South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (SELCP) Environment Policy to underpin the Sub-Regional Strategy.


During his introduction of the report, the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Leisure and Culture and Carbon Reduction advised Members that the Council’s existing Environment Policy was developed in 2020 to underpin the Corporate Strategy 2020-2030 and the strategic aim to adapt to meet the challenge of a changing natural environment.  This document had been replaced by the new Sub-regional Strategy for the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership which provided an opportunity to align the Environment Policy across the three Councils and underpinning the new Environment priority in the Sub Regional Strategy.


The new SELCP Environmental Policy detailed at Appendix A set out the key themes and priorities that underpinned the strategic aim of the region.  A sub regional strategy monitoring the environmental policy would be driven by the performance management framework and annual delivery plan as outlined in the sub regional strategy.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning stated that he fully endorsed the policy and drew attention to Theme Three ‘Enhancing our built environment’, page 72 of the Agenda refers and was more optimistic following conversations with the Central Lincs Local Plan that subject to any changes in planning policy coming forward by the new government that ELDC may be able to follow cover of the government’s ambition on energy efficiency for new housing development schemes.


The Leader of the Council welcomed the paper and responded that it was good for the sub-region and for ELDC’s residents.


During discussion, Members fully supported the recommendation.




That the Environment Policy be approved for adoption.




To ensure the Environment Policy is in line with the new Environment priority contained within the Sub-Regional Strategy.


Other Options


Not to update the Environment Policy.