Issue - meetings

Pool Car renewal:

Meeting: 09/07/2024 - Executive Board (Item 6)

6 Pool Car renewal: pdf icon PDF 177 KB

To request capital funds to replace a number of Pool Cars.




·       That the addition of £49,240 to the Capital Programme to enable the purchase of pool car vehicles as set out in this report be approved.


·       That Capital funding via way of MRP (Minimum revenue provision) with the financing spread over a 7 year term, equivalent to the anticipated life of the asset be approved.



A report was presented to approve a request for Capital Funds to replace a number of Pool Cars.


The report enabled consideration of the details below in relation to the request for funds.


ELDC owned and operated a total of 17 ‘pool cars’ for use by staff to undertake ordinary business duties. The current fleet consisted of 12 small petrol hatchback vehicles purchased throughout 2017-2021, along with 5 small Diesel vans purchased throughout 2017-2018.


Some of the older petrol vehicles had now passed beyond their economical useful life and were in need of renewal.  As part of the Council’s ambition to reduce its environmental impact the report proposed trialling electric pool cars.


This report, therefore, requested capital funds to enable the disposal of 3 Citroen C1 hatchback vehicles and replace them with 3 full EV Nissan Leaf as an initial trial for use of EV vehicles for pool car use.  


During discussion, Members fully supported the recommendations.




·       That the addition of £49,240 to the Capital Programme to enable the purchase of pool car vehicles as set out in this report be approved.


·       That Capital funding via way of MRP (Minimum revenue provision) with the financing spread over a 7-year term, equivalent to the anticipated life of the asset be approved.




The vehicles are no longer considered fit for purpose. Replacement vehicles are necessary to ensure staff can continue to undertake site visits, inspections and attend meetings.


Other Options


Option 1 – ‘Replace with like for like petrol vehicles’ - Not recommended due to decarbonisation plans and needs to trial suitability of EV Vehicles.


Option 2 – ‘Do nothing’ – Not recommended – the 3 Citroen C1 vehicles identified for disposal are now in excess of 7 years old.  The vehicles are now incurring increased maintenance costs and the fleet manager is recommending them for disposal.


Option 3 – ‘Reduce fleet size, dispose of 3 x Citroen C1 and not replace’ – Not recommended due to the need to provide sufficient pool fleet vehicles for staff to undertake ordinary business duties. Reducing fleet size would severely impact ordinary business operations.