Issue - meetings

Performance and Governance Framework - Quarter 4 Monitoring Report 2023/24:

Meeting: 09/07/2024 - Executive Board (Item 5)

5 Performance and Governance Framework - Quarter 4 Monitoring Report 2023/24: pdf icon PDF 257 KB

To consider the Council’s Performance and Governance Framework at the end of Quarter 4 2023/24 (January to March 2024).

Additional documents:


That the performance and risk information contained within the report and appendices be noted.


A report was presented to bring together information relating to the Council’s Performance and Governance Framework at the end of Quarter 4 2023/24 (as at March 2024).


During his introduction of the report the Leader of the Council highlighted that in total there were currently 77 KPIs for East Lindsey District Council, 35 of which were trend only indicators. 29 KPIs were meeting or exceeding their target, 5 KPIs were within tolerance, and 6 were below target. 2 indicators were not currently available.


The Leader acknowledged that Portfolio Holders would be aware of particular issues that affected their own portfolio holder area and asked them to make sure that any issues they had were addressed.




That the performance and risk information contained within the report and appendices be noted.




To monitor delivery of performance and governance objectives and to support future planning and decision making within the Council.


Other Options


Alternative reporting arrangements.