Venue: the Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH
Contact: Laura Allen Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence: Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Dick Edginton, James Knowles and Fiona Martin.
It was noted that in accordance with Regulation 13 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990, notice had been given that Councillor David Hall had been appointed to the Committee in place of Councillor Claire Arnold for this Meeting only.
Disclosure of Interests (if any): Minutes: At this point in the Meeting, Members were invited to declare any relevant interests. Declarations were made as follows:
Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders requested it be noted that in relation to Agenda Item 6 she was on the Board of Directors for PSPS Limited, and that she would remain in the Meeting while the item was discussed.
Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders further requested it be noted that in relation to Agenda Item 8, she partook in sports at facilities which worked in partnership with East Lindsey District Council. |
To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 15 October 2024. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th October 2024 were agreed as a correct record with the following amendment:
· Minute No 55 should read that ‘upcoming training opportunities from the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny (CfGS) were taking place online on 23rd October 2024 and in-person on 20th November 2024’.
Actions from the previous Overview Committee Meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Members noted that the following Actions were now complete.
Actions from the Meeting held on 15 October 2024
Action No. 54 and 56 – completed.
Actions from the Meeting held on 3 September 2024
Action No. 43 – completed.
Actions from the Meeting held on 23 July 2024
Action No. 23(b) – completed.
Actions from the Meeting held on 11 June 2024
Action No. 7 – completed.
Actions from the Meeting held on 16 April 2024
Action No. 103 – completed.
Comments were received as follows:
Action No. 54 – ‘Update on SELCP Trusted Volunteers Scheme’, page 23 of the Agenda refers.
A Member was dissatisfied with the scheme being labelled as ‘trusted volunteers’ which implied there was a difference between regular volunteers and those being labelled as ‘trusted’. In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) informed Members that the scheme had launched and that the Assistant Director (Wellbeing and Community Leadership) and the relevant Portfolio Holder would be contacted on whether to consider renaming the scheme.
Action No. 43(c) – ‘To request clarification on the accuracy of using mobile phone data to measure high street footfall whilst excluding those without mobile phones and whether privacy was respected by utilising mobile phone data in this way’, pages 23 and 24 of the Agenda refer.
A Member commented that it was important to recognise that mobile phones were not widely used by elderly people who went shopping in town centres and this would affect the accuracy of footfall data. In response, the Assistant Director (Economic Growth) advised Members that the contract with the Council’s data provider was ending in March 2025 and was currently under review.
Action No. 28 – ‘In reference to Section 106 Agreements: a) To request clarification on East Lindsey being allocated the lowest multiplier as part of the NHS formula and receiving the lowest payment in Lincolnshire per dwelling compared to other districts’, pages 24 and 25 of the Agenda refer.
A Member queried where the officer responsible for Section 106 Agreements was based. In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) advised Members that clarification would be requested.
Action No. 103 – ‘Update on Heritage Appraisals’, page 25 of the Agenda refers.
A Member commented on their frustration with the longstanding lack of progress for Louth Town Centre. |
Exclusion of the Public and Press: To exclude the public and press for the following item:
That under Section 100(a) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that, if they were present, there could be disclosed to them exempt information as defined at Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act (as amended).
N.B. This exemption applies only to Appendix B to Agenda Item 6 – Public Sector Partnership Services (PSPS) Business Plan 2025 to 2027 and the Council/PSPS Transformation and Service Modernisation Programme.
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That under Section 100(a) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that, if they were present, there could be disclosed to them exempt information as defined at Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act (as amended). |
To receive a report from the Assistant Director, Corporate.
N.B. Appendix B is Exempt. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Vice-Chairman welcomed Lewis Ducket, Chief Executive (PSPS Limited) and Mark Elsom, Head of Corporate Services (PSPS Limited) to the Meeting.
The Chief Executive (PSPS Limited) presented Members with the Public Sector Partnership Services (PSPS) Business Plan 2025 to 2027 and the Council/PSPS transformation and service modernisation programme, pages 29 to 82 of the Agenda refer.
N.B. Appendix A attached to the Minutes is Exempt.
Members were advised that in 2020, East Lindsey and South Holland District Councils signed a new 10-year Joint Venture Agreement with Public Sector Partnership Services and that since that time Boston Borough Council had also transferred services into the company (from April 2021).
Members were advised that the three Councils worked together as the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership which had created the opportunity to accelerate their own transformation and the transformation of the services provided to residents via PSPS.
Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward in relation to Appendix A - Public Sector Partnership Services (PSPS) Business Plan 2025 to 2027, page 35 to 58 of the Agenda refer.
No comments or questions were received.
At this point in the Meeting, it was Proposed and Seconded that the Meeting moved into closed session to discuss Appendix B – Service Modernisation Plan 2025 – 2028, pages 71 to 82 of the Agenda refer.
The Vice-Chairman thanked the Chief Executive (PSPS Limited) and Head of Corporate Services (PSPS Limited) for the report.
Following which it was,
· That the report be noted.
· That the ongoing scrutiny of the Transformation and Service Modernisation Programme’s delivery in its work programme by Overview Committee be agreed.
N.B Lewis Duckett, Chief Executive (PSPS Limited) and Mark Elsom, Head of Corporate Services (PSPS Limited) left the Meeting at 10.30am.
Towns Fund Projects Update: To receive an update from the Deputy Chief Executive, Programme Delivery. Additional documents: Minutes: N.B. This item was brought forward at the Vice-Chairman’s discretion.
The Chairman welcomed Adrian Sibley, Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) to the Meeting who was in attendance to deliver a presentation to Members on the Towns Fund Projects (a copy of the presentation is attached at Appendix B to the Minutes).
Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward on the following projects:
Sutton on Sea Colonnade
The Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) highlighted to Members that the project had been officially named as the ‘Seaview Colonnade’ and that operator discussions were ongoing with an expected opening date of Summer 2025.
Members were further advised that the nearby Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) pitch on the King George V Playing field was in the advanced planning stages and was also expected to be in use by Summer 2025.
· A Member queried the type of surfaces which had been installed for the tennis court and the measures being implemented for policing and protecting the courts. In response, the Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) explained to Members that the surface at the Seaview Colonnade was all-weather and that usage was intended as a non-competitive fun-based tennis court which presented less opportunities for damage. Members were assured that an operator would be in place to monitor usage of the court and that the same operator would be resurfacing two further tennis courts in Mablethorpe as part of the MUGA agreement.
· A Member further commented that it would have been beneficial for Pickleball courts to have been marked out, which was a sport that was growing in popularity.
At this point in the Meeting, Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders asked it be noted that she partook in sports at facilities which worked in partnership with East Lindsey District Council.
· Councillor Graham Marsh as Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Leisure and Culture, and Carbon Reduction commented on a recent visit to the Seaview Colonnade with the Peer Group and highlighted the great benefits which the project would provide to Sutton on Sea and East Lindsey’s coastal strip.
· A Member commented on the suitability of the name of Seaview Colonnade and proposed that an alternative name of Sand Dune View Colonnade would have been more appropriate. In response, the Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) assured Members that the name had been through public consultation and that a sea view was observed on the first and second floor of the building.
· A Member stressed the importance of securing an operator to maximise potential benefits.
· A Member further commented on the success of the project and made reference to the historic neglect and vandalism of the previous MUGA pitch, highlighting that public opinion in the area was changing.
· A Member queried whether CCTV was being installed to monitor the tennis court. In response, the Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) advised Members that CCTV installation would incur additional costs and would need additional consideration. Jon Challen, Safer Communities Service Manager further advised Members that CCTV was ... view the full minutes text for item 67. |
Major Projects and Funding Update: To receive an update from the Assistant Director, Economic Growth. Additional documents: Minutes: The Vice-Chairman welcomed Lydia Rusling, Assistant Director (Economic Growth) to the Meeting who was in attendance to deliver a presentation on Major Projects and Funding Update (a copy of the presentation is attached at Appendix C to the Minutes).
Members were provided with an update on Skegness and Mablethorpe Town Deal Projects and the Lincolnshire Wolds Culture and Heritage Programme.
Following which, Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.
· A Member queried the reasons why new developments predominantly had flat roofs. In response, the Assistant Director (Economic Growth) advised Members that flat roofs were more cost effective and enabled projects to be delivered quicker.
· A Member queried who was responsible for the maintenance costs. In response, the Assistant Director (Economic Growth) confirmed to Members that all the projects were the responsibility of external Partners and there was no cost to the Council.
N.B Councillor Alex Hall left the Meeting at 11.16am.
· A Member commented on aspirations for the Mobi-Hub and drew comparisons to Skegness Railway Station.
· A Member queried the naming of the new website called ‘Connected Wolds’. In response, the Assistant Director (Economic Growth) advised Members that the website was not visitor facing and was created to keep stakeholders informed. Members were assured that the website provided details of Members and Minutes and that reports were provided to the Government at six monthly intervals.
· A Member further queried whether rate payers were aware of the initiative. In response, the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Leisure and Culture, and Carbon Reduction advised Members that ‘Connected Coast’ was widely publicised including on local radio.
· A Member further queried who received the income from the Alford Windmill Holiday Cottages. In response, the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Leisure and Culture, and Carbon Reduction advised Members that a Trust was responsible for Alford Windmill and that the aim of the site was to become self-sustaining.
N.B Councillor Robert Watson left the Meeting at 11.31am.
· Councillor William Gray as Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Aging encouraged other Ward Members to create and distribute communications to their Parishes to keep their residents informed.
No further comments or questions were received.
The Vice-Chairman thanked the Assistant Director (Economic Growth) for her informative update.
N.B Lydia Rusling, Assistant Director (Economic Growth), Adrian Sibley, Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) and Councillor Graham Marsh, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Leisure and Culture, and Carbon Reduction left the Meeting at 11.33am. |
Update on the Community Reserve Protocol for loans to Parish Councils: To receive a verbal update from the UKSPF Programme Manager. Additional documents: Minutes: N.B Councillor Robert Watson returned to the Meeting at 11.34am.
The Vice-Chairman welcomed Saul Farrell, UKSPF Programme Manager to provide Members with an update on the Development of the Community Reserve Protocol for loans to parish councils.
Members received a tabled briefing note which outlined the proposals (a copy is attached at Appendix D to the Minutes).
Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.
· The Vice-Chairman queried whether there was a limit on how much money parish councils could apply for. In response, the UKSPF Programme Manager advised Members that no set limited applied and that an affordability test would take into consideration the parish council’s precept and its level of reserves.
· A Member queried whether the loans were being provided at a fixed interest rate. In response, the UKSPF Programme Manager advised Members that a fixed Bank of England Base Rate +1% at the point the loan was taken out would apply.
· A Member spoke in support of the scheme and queried whether the figure provided was across all parishes in the Partnership and whether the amount of funding was adequate. In response, the UKSPF Programme Manager advised Members that £250,000 was solely for East Lindsey district and that further opportunities for obtaining additional funding would be considered.
· A Member commented on the difficulties experienced by parish councils who had part time staff and limited resources and further queried whether assistance would be provided to complete application forms. In response, the UKSPF Programme Manager advised Members that Partnership capacity had been made available to provide support to parish councils and that a dedicated officer would be provided for assistance with paperwork.
N.B Councillor Graham Marsh, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Leisure and Culture, and Carbon Reduction returned to the Meeting at 11.41am.
· A Member queried the ways in which the scheme was being promoted to parish councils, particularly in relation to the refurbishment of playground areas. In response, the UKSPF Programme Manager advised Members that Parish Councils would be encouraged to use the Lincolnshire Community Foundation (LCF) GRASSroots Grants schemes for remedial work on playgrounds and advised that the Council would utilise various channels and opportunities to communicate and promote both schemes.
· A Member queried whether the Council would encourage parish councils to look at self-funding and grant options before committing to a loan. In response, the UKSPF Programme Manager advised Members that the team was supportive of advising parish councils of the best option and did not want to impose further financial liabilities on them when grant options were available.
· A Member queried whether the Scrutiny Panel for the review of support for Towns and Parishes across East Lindsey was aware of the scheme. In response, the Assistant Director, Corporate confirmed that Panel Members would be made aware of this scheme.
No further comments or questions were received.
The Vice-Chairman thanked the UKSPF Programme Manager for his informative update. |
Customer Feedback Policy: To receive a report from the Information Manager and Data Protection Officer. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Richard Steele, Group Information Manager and Data Protection Officer to present Members with the draft updated Customer Feedback Policy, pages 83 to 100 of the Agenda refer.
Members were advised that there was a clear need to manage feedback and complaints received by the Council and to deal with them appropriately. Members were advised that the Policy was designed to achieve that aim, whilst ensuring that customers were dealt with fairly, consistently and proportionately, and that the draft document had been fully reviewed, updated, and aligned across the Partnership.
The Group Information Manager and Data Protection Officer advised Members that reviewing the policy ensured that any updates were captured in the new aligned policy, as well as ensuring the policy was still fit for purpose and complied with the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman’s (LGSCO) Complaint Handling Code which was launched in 2024.
Members were referred to Appendix 2 which highlighted the Complaint Journey, page 99 of the Agenda refers.
Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.
· A Member queried whether a complaint made by a Councillor on behalf of a member of the public was assessed within the same timescales as a complaint raised directly by a member of the public. In response, the Group Information Manager and Data Protection Officer advised Members that was correct under the new LGCSO code of complaint handling.
· A Member queried whether the timeline for a response was 20 working days. In response, the Group Information Manager and Data Protection Officer advised Members that the old policy required a response within 20 working days whereas the new policy required 5 working days to acknowledge a complaint and 10 working days from the date of acknowledgement to provide a response.
· A Member further queried whether the Council had the capacity to achieve the 10-working day target. In response, the Group Information Manager and Data Protection Officer advised Members that capacity was lacking at present and that this was being examined as part of implementation of the policy.
· A Member queried whether the same Members of staff who responded to complaints were responsible for responding to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests. In response, the Group Information Manager and Data Protection Officer informed Members that FOI requests were undertaken by the Information Governance Team and that under the new process general complaint responses were undertaken by the relevant service manager. The Group Information Manager and Data Protection Officer further explained to Members that complaints were managed centrally and delivered to the relevant service manager to deal with complaints as effectively and quickly as possible.
· A Member queried where Councillors would direct their complaints. In response, the Group Information Manager and Data Protection Officer advised Members that the Policy provided guidance on the process for raising complaints.
· A Member requested assurance that Councillors would be kept updated. In response, the Assistant Director, Corporate advised Members that information would be provided on who and where to send complaints.
No further comments ... view the full minutes text for item 70. |
South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership Private Sector Housing Strategy: To receive a report from the Service Manager for Safer Communities. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Emily Spicer, Assistant Director (Wellbeing and Community Leadership) and Jon Challen, Safer Communities Service Manager to present Members with the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership Private Sector Housing Strategy, pages 101 to 124 of the Agenda refer.
Members received a tabled briefing note which provided guidance and definitions for the Housing Health and Safety Ratings System (a copy is attached at Appendix E to the Minutes).
Members were advised that the purpose of the report was to set the context as to how the Council intended to meet the Private Sector Housing challenges and opportunities confronting the service and to set out the key priorities for action and delivery.
Members were advised that the strategy set out the strategic direction for Private Sector Housing within the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership sub region and that priorities would focus on:
• Raising standards in the private sector, paying particular attention to ensuring fire safety in Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMO) and removing or reducing serious hazards across both single and multiple households. • Working with private landlords to encourage and support them to improve standards and increase the supply of affordable accommodation. • Taking robust action against landlords who failed to remedy hazards, licence HMOs or comply with property management regulations. • Maximise existing housing stock by focused interventions to return empty homes to use with the development of an Empty Homes Policy.
Councillor William Gray, as Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Ageing spoke in support of the strategy of aligning standards across the Partnership to provide a consistent approach across the sub-region which would improve housing standards for East Lindsey’s residents.
Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.
· A Member voiced concerns with the increased potential for homelessness and queried whether the Council had any plans to encourage unused properties to be reutilised. In response, the Safer Communities Service Manager advised Members that a push for the re-occupation of empty homes had decreased over the past ten years and that further changes were on the horizon. Members were assured that ELDC was developing and bringing forward new operational policies such as the Empty Homes Policy.
· A Member queried whether a team was in place to trace the ownership of empty properties. In response, the Safer Communities Service Manager advised Members that the Empty Homes Policy would bring forward a range of options for consideration by the Partnership including whether to undertake compulsory purchasing or to adopt grant schemes. Members were advised that Housing Standards officers were assisting with the work and that at present the Council did not have the resources for a dedicated team.
The Assistant Director (Wellbeing and Community Leadership) supported that a consistent approach was needed and further advised Members that the Revenues and Benefits Team had also undertaken investigation of properties which paid single occupancy Council Tax rates.
· A Member queried whether a list of unoccupied properties was available. In response, the Safer Communities Service ... view the full minutes text for item 71. |
Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire - Update: To receive a report from the Outside Body Appointee. Minutes: The Chairman referred Members to the briefing papers from Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders, the Outside Body Appointee to the Health Scrutiny Committee (HSC) for Lincolnshire following its Meeting held on 6th November 2024, pages 125 to 126 of the Agenda refer.
The Outside Body Appointee made reference to EMAS non-emergency patient transport where value was added on contracts at 15% in the Health Service in comparison to 10% nationally.
The Outside Body Appointee further advised Members that she was participating in the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment and had learned that Pharmaceutical Prescribers were united as a body.
Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.
· The Vice-Chairman commented that members of the public were being encouraged to visit pharmacies more often due to a wider ability to prescribe medicines.
· A Member commented on issues with getting certain types of prescriptions due to ongoing medication shortages.
· A Member spoke in support of the Refugee Doctor Project and the benefits it provided, page 126 of the Agenda refers.
No further comments or questions were received.
The Vice-Chairman thanked the Outside Body Appointee for her valuable contribution on reporting back from the HSC.
Updates from Scrutiny and Policy Panels including quality checking of final reports: |
Annual Joint Scrutiny of the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership: To review the final report of the Panel. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Vice-Chairman introduced the final draft report for the Annual Joint Scrutiny of the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership, pages 127 to 142 of the Agenda refer.
Members were advised that the purpose of the report was to review the Partnership’s progress against opportunities identified in the business case for the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership and make recommendations.
Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.
· A Member expressed their frustration with the effectiveness of Joint Scrutiny meetings. In response, the Vice-Chairman drew Members attention to Recommendation No. 4 which recommended a review of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) which would include reviewing the effectiveness of Partnership Scrutiny, page 137 of the Agenda refers.
The Assistant Director (Corporate) further advised Members that the review of the MOA had already commenced and that work underway would consider the frequency of Joint Scrutiny and other requirements which would support greater flexibility when undertaking further scrutiny.
· A Member drew a comparison and spoke in support of the effectiveness of ELDC’s scrutiny panels.
The Assistant Director (Corporate) advised Members that the Chairman of each of the Partnership’s Councils agreed the items which would be examined as part of joint scrutiny and that the annual review of the Partnership was an accepted requirement.
· A Member commented that workforce capacity was a huge challenge that had not been addressed through the review and that lack of local knowledge across the Partnership presented issues. In response, the Vice-Chairman confirmed to Members that the Joint Scrutiny Panel was able to discuss capacity and recognised that capacity was a significant issue.
· In reference to Recommendation No. 1, a Member commented that savings and capacity conflicted and that the Council should be using money wisely, page 137 of the Agenda refers. In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) assured Members that opportunities existed for the streamlining services across the Partnership and that Service Reviews would enable greater capacity alongside savings.
· Members were further advised that a capacity reserve was available across the Partnership for short term projects.
· A Member commented on the lack of workforce capacity demonstrated from attending Planning Policy Committee Meetings where Partnership support had been brought in to provide assistance. In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) advised Members that capacity had been discussed at a Senior Managers conference in September 2024 and that options were being explored on how work pressures could be mitigated. Further assurance was provided that service reviews would match resources with demand and that the assistance at Planning Policy Committee Meetings demonstrated the strengths of the Partnership.
No further comments or questions were received.
Following which it was,
That the Annual Joint Scrutiny of the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership be noted and presented to the Executive Board for approval. |
To review the final report of the Panel. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Councillor Paul Rickett, Chairman of the Scrutiny Panel and Sarah Baker, Group Manager - Climate Change and Environment, to present Members with the Final Report for the Review of the Carbon Reduction Plan and associated carbon reduction activity at ELDC, pages 143 to 166 of the Agenda refer.
A copy of the presentation is provided at Appendix G to the Minutes.
Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.
· A Member queried whether there was an ELDC salary sacrifice scheme available for Electric Vehicles. In response, the Assistant Director, Corporate confirmed to Members that the Council provided a salary sacrifice scheme for ultra-low emission vehicles.
· In relation to the governance of scrutiny arrangements, a Member queried whether the advertisements for witnesses were published in accordance with the legally required number of days’ notice. In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) advised Members that clarification would be requested.
· Members further commented on the benefits and disadvantages of electric vehicles.
· A Member queried whether all Council departments were working toward saving paper and printing ink. In response, Councillor Paul Rickett commented that the Council was moving in the right direction by reducing the number of printed papers dispatched to Members.
· Members continued to discuss the benefits and disadvantages of paper agendas and opportunities for training on Modern.Gov in order to access papers digitally.
No further comments or questions were received.
The Chairman thanked Councillor Paul Rickett, Chairman of the Scrutiny Panel and Sarah Baker, Group Manager - Climate Change and Environment for the report.
Following which it was,
That the report be noted and presented to Full Council for consideration and approval at its Meeting on 11th December 2024.
N.B Councillor Paul Rickett, Chairman of the Scrutiny Panel and Sarah Baker, Group Manager - Climate Change and Environment left the Meeting at 13.09pm.
Scrutiny Panel Update - Review of support for Towns and Parishes across East Lindsey: To receive a written update. Minutes: Members were referred to the briefing paper, pages 167 to 168 of the Agenda refer.
Members were advised that the panel had met for the first time on 16th October 2024. Councillor Ru Yarsley was confirmed as the Chair and witnesses had been agreed and would be invited to future meetings.
Scrutiny Panel Update - Partnership Enviro Crime Enforcement Contract: To receive a written update. Minutes: Members were referred to the briefing paper, page 169 to 170 of the Agenda refer.
Members were advised that the Task Group met on 29th October 2024 and 18th November 2024, and that a further four meetings were planned with the Task Group being expected to bring their final report to the March 2025 meeting of Overview Committee.
Members commented on the error in the list of Panel Members which still required amending, page 169 of the Agenda refers. |
Q2 2024-25 Performance and Risk Report: To receive a report from the Assistant Director, Corporate. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Vice-Chairman welcomed James Gilbert, Assistant Director (Corporate) and Corey Gooch, Business Intelligence and Change Manager to present the Q2 2024-25 Performance and Risk Report, pages 171 to 228 of the Agenda refer.
Members attention was drawn to the Q2 performance (Appendix 1), and Q2 risks (Appendix 2).
Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.
· In reference to Land Charges, a Member queried the ways in which capacity was being addressed to reduce the number of days taken to undertake searches, page 180 of the Agenda refers. In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) highlighted to Members that the commentary indicated that measures had already been implemented to get the process back on track and that the service review would build greater resilience to turn the risk green from the next reporting period.
· A Member further commented on the challenges of cross-referencing figures across different pages of the report and noted the large discrepancy between the target number of days and the Q2 2024/25 outturn. In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) assured the Committee that Members concerns would be highlighted to the Assistant Director (Regulatory).
· A Member commented that corporate complaints responded to within corporately set timescales needed improvement, page 186 of the Agenda refers. The Assistant Director (Corporate) advised Members that the Information Manager and Data Protection Officer had provided assurance that measures were already being undertaken through a service review.
· Referring to litter grading, a Member commented on issues that had been observed with litter on roads and queried who was responsible. In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) advised Members that District Councils still held responsibilities for litter on roads.
The Vice-Chairman further commented that increased speeds of the roads prevented litter picking from being undertaken safely.
· In reference to ‘Percentage of car parking income received against agreed annual budget – cumulative figure to end of successive quarters’, a Member queried whether the budget had been underestimated, page 187 of the Agenda refers. In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) advised Members that the target was 100% and that the current outturn for Q2 2024/25 was 97.42% which was expected to increase.
· In reference to Business Centre Occupation at Mablethorpe, a Member requested assurance that occupants would not be moving from the Mablethorpe Business Centre to the Campus for Future Living, page 192 of the Agenda refers. In response, Councillor William Gray as Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Ageing advised Members that he was not aware of any current occupiers of the Mablethorpe Business Centre intending to move to the Campus for Future Living.
· A Member further commented that Mablethorpe Business Centre was primarily office accommodation and suited to the needs of the area.
· A Member sought clarification on the lack of data included in the report on Kingfisher Caravan Park for Q4 2023/24, page 192 of the Agenda refers. In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) advised Members that an update would be requested.
· A Member further queried whether the targets were changed to achieve 100%. ... view the full minutes text for item 74. |
Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker: To note the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker. Minutes: Members were referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker, pages 229 to 262 of the Agenda refer. Members were invited to review the tracker and put their comments and questions forward.
To explore the issues surrounding caravan licensing and enforcement.
· A Member spoke in support of the update provided at the October 2024 Overview Committee Meeting and was keen for caravan licensing and enforcement progress to continue, page 233 of the Agenda refers.
Recommendation No 4 ‘Draw up, as a matter of urgency, a register of every East Lindsey Caravan site, including existing planning permissions, and this to be shared with Emergency Planning Services’, page 237 and 238 of the Agenda refer.
· A Member queried whether wider communications could be made to inform people on where and how to access the online register of caravan sites. In response, the Vice-Chairman advised Members that communications had already taken place for residents to check the status of caravan sites.
· A Member further commented on the importance of having flood warnings and protocols in place for caravan sites that were located in high-risk areas.
Recommendation No 8 – ‘The council to lobby MPs and Ministers to improve holiday caravan legislation and fines, which have not been reviewed by parliament since the 1960’s’, page 240 of the Agenda refers.
· A Member commented on the need to ensure that governance relating to caravans was improved. In response, the Vice-Chairman advised Members on the scope for various special interest groups.
Recommendation No 14 – ‘Support relevant outcomes from Floodex and establish closer working relationships with staff at Skegness and Louth fire stations’, page 242 of the Agenda refers.
· Members commented on the January 2024 deadline and attending future meetings for building closer working relationships.
How can ELDC help improve the design, quality, and choice of new and existing housing in the district?
Recommendation No 4 – ‘The Local Plan will consider a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) detailing how building layouts are to be planned to maximise solar gain and the functioning of PV (Photo Voltaic)’, page 245 of the Agenda refers.
· A Member commented on the lack of new houses built with solar panels in East Lindsey and queried what differences existed in other areas of the country where solar panels were more prevalent.
Partnership Scrutiny Recommendations - Public Transport in the S&ELCP area.
Recommendation No 3 – ‘For the SELCP to respond positively and engage with the proposals with Lincolnshire County Councils ‘Enhanced Partnership’ Plan and Scheme for Buses in the following areas’, page 252 of the Agenda refers.
· A Member queried whether the Transport Plan was Partnership wide. In response the Assistant Director (Corporate) confirmed this was correct.
The Vice-Chairman thanked everyone for their comments.
No further comments or questions were received.
Following which it was,
That the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker be noted.
Executive/Council Forward Plan: To receive a copy of the Executive/Council Forward Plan. Minutes: Members were presented with the Executive/Council Forward Plan 2024- 25, pages 263 to 274 of the Agenda refer and were invited for their comments.
In reference to ‘Skegness North Parade Bowling Greens - To consider the future viability of the bowling greens’, a Member requested clarification on the column named ‘status’ which listed a number of revisions, page 265 of the Agenda refers. In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) advised Members that the revisions related to the dates for decisions that were revised on the Forward Plan and not revisions to the proposals.
In relation to ‘Waste services delivery model - To approve changes to the waste service to meet the Simpler Recycling requirements of the Environment Act 2021’, a Member queried whether the recycling requirements affected residents, page 267 of the Agenda refers. In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate), advised Members that clarification would be requested from the Assistant Director (Neighbourhoods). |
Date of Next Meeting: Minutes: The programmed date for the next Meeting of this Committee was noted as 21st January 2025.