
Venue: the Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH

Contact: Elaine Speed  Senior Democratic Services & Civic Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence:


Disclosure of Interests (if any):



To consider excluding the public and press for the following items and if appropriate the Chairman to move:-


That under Section 100(a)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the Meeting for the following item on the grounds that, if they were present, there could be disclosed to them exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act (as amended).


Minutes: pdf icon PDF 242 KB

To confirm the Open and Exempt Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 July 2024.

Additional documents:


Action Sheets: pdf icon PDF 178 KB

To confirm Actions following the Meetings held on 17 July 2024.


Communications from the Chairman:


Questions by the Public:

To answer questions pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 10.


Report of the Chairman of the Executive Board: pdf icon PDF 206 KB

Report of the Chairman of Executive Board.


2024/25 Quarter One Finance Update: pdf icon PDF 191 KB

To consider amendments to the Council’s Capital Programme.

Additional documents:


South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership Performance Report: pdf icon PDF 277 KB

To receive a report on the Partnership's performance.


Motions on Notice:

To receive Motions on Notice under Council Procedure Rule 12.


MOTION:  Winter Fuel Allowance and protecting pensioners from fuel poverty.


This Council is very concerned by the recent decision of the government, confirmed by a House of Commons vote on 10th September 2024,  to restrict the Winter Fuel Payment to only pensioners in receipt of certain means-tested benefits.  This will affect over 2 million pensioners nationally and, in East Lindsey,  over 36000 vulnerable pensioners will now not receive the Winter Fuel Payment. Forcing many into “ heat or eat” dilemmas during the coldest months of the year with direct impacts on health and wellbeing. 


Leading charities including, Age UK, highlight the social injustice and the health risks of this sudden policy change and the additional strain this will place on some of our most vulnerable residents, many of whom don’t claim Pension Credit despite being eligible.


We ask that this Council:


·       Continue to promote the uptake of the Pension Credit benefit through Council services, partnerships, charities and community organisations. We need to make sure our most vulnerable pensioners are supported in claiming their entitlement.


·       To support our residents across the district, this council should register its strong disapproval with the government and Members of Parliament for taking away the winter fuel payment. It fails to acknowledge the plight of those now discriminated against who do not qualify within the threshold for support and yet fall below the income level of those who do not need the payment. Many of our rural residents, unlike their metropolitan cousins, do not have the luxury of having a gas supply to their homes and in the case of oil, wood, LPG and solid fuel must pay upfront prior to delivery for their winter fuel. Finding a large sum to cover this cost can and does force people into very dire straits. The unintended consequences have not all been identified or even been considered.


·       Commits to signing the ‘Save the Winter Fuel Payment for Struggling Pensioners’ petition being run by Age UK and write to all members offering them the opportunity to sign the petition themselves.


Proposed Cllr Carl Macey

Seconded Cllr Dan McNally



To consider excluding the public and press for the following items and if appropriate the Chairman to move:-


That under Section 100(a)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the Meeting for the following item on the grounds that, if they were present, there could be disclosed to them exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act (as amended).


Draft Minutes of the Audit and Governance Committee: pdf icon PDF 181 KB

To note the Open and Exempt Minutes of Audit and Governance Committee held on 11 September 2024.

Additional documents:


Audit and Governance Committee Annual Report 2023/24: pdf icon PDF 142 KB

To note the Annual Audit and Governance Committee report following review by the Audit and Governance Committee.

Additional documents:



To answer questions pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11.


Date of Next Meeting:

The programmed date for the next Meeting of the Council will be 11th December 2024.



To consider excluding the public and press for the following items and if appropriate the Chairman to move:-


That under Section 100(a)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the Meeting for the following item on the grounds that, if they were present, there could be disclosed to them exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act (as amended).


Delivery of the ELDC Temporary Accommodation Programme: pdf icon PDF 269 KB

To consider a report to delivery the ELDC Temporary Accommodation Programme Utilising the £1million funding allocated through the Council’s Capital Programme and the award of DLUHC LAHF 3 funding for Temporary and Resettlement homes.


Please Note: Appendix A is Exempt


Additional documents:


Reports from Scrutiny and Policy Panels:


Scrutiny Panel Report - To review the running of Invest East Lindsey Limited, with a particular focus on Kingfisher Caravan Park: pdf icon PDF 188 KB

To consider a Scrutiny Report.


Please Note: Appendix A1 is Exempt

Additional documents: