Agenda and decisions

Venue: The Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH. View directions

Contact: Elaine Speed  Senior Democratic Services Officer and Civic Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence:


Disclosure of Interests (if any):


Minutes: pdf icon PDF 200 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 16 December 2024.



No outstanding actions for this Meeting.


Proposed Disposal of Council Owned Land at Amos Way and Church Walk, Sibsey: pdf icon PDF 258 KB

To consider approval for the disposal of surplus Council owned assets to Sibsey Parish Council.

Additional documents:


1.       That the land at Church Walk and Amos Way Sibsey, edged red on the plans at Appendices 1 and 2 to the report, be declared surplus to the Council’s requirements;


2.       That the Deputy Chief Executive, Programme Delivery and Assistant Director - General Fund Assets be delegated authority to follow the advertising process set out by Section 123 (2A) of the Local Government Act, 1972, in respect of the land set out in Recommendation 1.


3.       That the lawful exemptions set out within The Local Government Act 1972: General Disposal Consent (England) 2003, to agree the disposal of the freehold title of the two plots of land set out in Recommendation 1, to Sibsey Parish Council at their restricted market value of £1 each, representing a notional undervalue of £224,998 be relied upon in the event that no representations are received by the Council in respect of Recommendation 2.


4.       That the Deputy Chief Executive, Programme Delivery and Assistant Director - General Fund Assets be delegated authority to protect the Council’s future position by specifying appropriate Restrictive Covenants within any resulting conveyance, including and 80% overage clause on both assets.


In the event that any representations are made to the Council in respect of recommendation 2, recommendations 3 and 4 cannot take effect and the Executive will need to formally consider any representations made before making a final decision.


SCRUTINY - Annual Joint Scrutiny of the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership: pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To review the Partnership’s progress against opportunities identified in the business case and lines of enquiry.

Additional documents:


  • That the report (attached at Appendix 1) and associated recommendations be noted;


  • That the recommendations contained within the report be agreed.



To consider excluding the public and press for the following items and if appropriate the Chairman to move:-


That under Section 100(a)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that, if they were present, there could be disclosed to them exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act (as amended).


Council / Public Sector Partnership Services Transformation and Service Modernisation Programme and Business Plan 2025 to 2027: pdf icon PDF 143 KB

To consider approval of the Council/Public Sector Partnership Services Transformation and Service Modernisation Programme and Business Plan 2025 to 2027.



Additional documents:


Business Plan


a)   That subject to a similar decision by the other founding shareholder, the PSPS Business Plan 2025 to 2027 as set out at Appendix A to the report be recommended to Council for approval.


Service modernisation plan


a)   That subject to the budget allocations being approved for the identified investment, the Transformation and Service Modernisation Programme set out at Exempt Appendix B to the report be approved.


b)   That subject to the budget allocations being approved, the Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate Development, in consultation with the PSPS Portfolio Holder be delegated authority to approve or reject individual Business Cases in relation to the Transformation and Service Modernisation Programme.


c)   That periodic reviews of the Transformation and Service Modernisation Programme’s delivery be undertaken as requested through the Council’s scrutiny arrangements.


d)   That feedback from scrutiny committee at section 4 of the report be noted.



Acquisition and delivery of four accommodation pods within the locality of Skegness: pdf icon PDF 163 KB

To consider approval and capital and revenue funding to provide four ‘Amazing Grace’ style accommodation pods, in order to provide a safe place for people that would otherwise be sleeping rough in the locality of Skegness.



Additional documents:


1)That provision of four ‘Amazing Grace’ style accommodation pods for people that may otherwise need to sleep rough within the locality of Skegness, as set out in this report be approved.


2)That the Deputy Chief Executive – Communities in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Ageing be delegated authority to agree the specific location of the siting of such pods within the locality of Skegness.


3) That an amendment to the Council’s 2024/25 capital programme to include £70k for the provision of four pods and the allocation of a £10k revenue budget to be used as a contingency fund, both funded from reserves be agreed.


Date of Next Meeting:

The programmed date for the next Meeting of this Board will be Thursday 20 February 2025.