Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: The Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH. View directions

Contact: Ann Good  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item


Apologies for Absence:


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Fry, Kirk and Leyland.


Disclosure of Interests (if any):


At this point in the meeting Members were invited to declare any interests, no such declarations were received.


Minutes: pdf icon PDF 63 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 14th June 2023.

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 14th June 2023 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Action Sheets: pdf icon PDF 98 KB

To confirm Actions following the Meeting held on 14th June 2023.


The actions were all complete.


Request to re-profile the delivery of the Mablethorpe Colonnade Towns Funds Scheme: pdf icon PDF 201 KB

To consider the Mablethorpe Colonnade Towns Funds Scheme.



1.               That agreement be given to separate the Colonnade works into two phases so that phase 1, being the pavilion, the Beach Huts, and the surrounding external works and landscaping, can commence within the approved budget;


2.               That a further report be submitted by officers for Phase 2, being the Lodges, once final costings and market testing have been undertaken. This is with a view to the development being potentially taken on by an external organisation who would provide the funding;


3.               That an addition to the Capital Programme and the use of reserves for up to £600k to fund additional enhanced works be recommended to Full Council.


A report was presented by the Vice Chairman, Councillor Marsh, that sought approval to separate the Sutton on Sea Colonnade Towns Fund project into two phases so that works could proceed within existing approved budgets and authorities granted.  It also sought approval for providing resources to allow additionality to the scheme.


During his introduction of the report, Councillor Marsh made reference to the background to the scheme listed at paragraphs 1 – 3 of the report presented, noting that the project would deliver enhanced and new facilities for skills, employment and improve the general well-being of residents and visitors.  Furthermore, the scheme went to the heart of the Government’s levelling up agenda and would deliver investment into regeneration, skills and connectivity to secure transformational levels of economic growth.


If the recommendations were adopted, the project could continue with greater certainty to contract stage for the implementation of the main building works later this year, with full completion well before the summer season of 2025.  The Portfolio Holder wished to extend his thanks to officers for their work.




1.           That agreement be given to separate the Colonnade works into two phases so that phase 1, being the pavilion, the Beach Huts, and the surrounding external works and landscaping, could commence within the approved budget;


2.           That a further report be submitted by officers for Phase 2, being the Lodges, once final costings and market testing have been undertaken. This was with a view to the development being potentially taken on by an external organisation who would provide the funding;


3.           That an addition to the Capital Programme and the use of reserves for up to £600k to fund additional enhanced works be recommended to Full Council.



The redeveloped colonnade is an iconic and key part of the Towns Fund programme of works. On top of protracted discussions with the Environmental Agency, the contract negotiations and final agreements with the contractor have already caused delays to the scheme. The recommendations allow the Council to continue with the project and enhance the offer to the area.


Other options:

Members could decide to wait until all of the costs have been finalised and then agree a course of action. This would though inevitably delay the scheme further.

There is also the option of re tendering the scheme. This is strongly against the advice of our procurement advisors as it would almost certainly increase rather than decrease the cost of the scheme and also cause significant delays to the scheme.


Requesting Executive Board to 'make' the Skegness Neighbourhood Plan: pdf icon PDF 300 KB

To consider on behalf of the Council as Local Planning Authority the Skegness Neighbourhood Plan.

Additional documents:


That the making of the Skegness Neighbourhood Plan be approved by the Executive on behalf of the Council as the Local Planning Authority.


A report was presented by the Portfolio Holder for Planning that introduced the Skegness Neighbourhood Plan, which had now passed a referendum.  Executive Board was therefore requested to make the Skegness Neighbourhood Plan on behalf of the Council as the Local Planning Authority.


During his introduction, the Portfolio Holder for Planning advised he was genuinely delighted that another community in East Lindsey had successfully completed the stages required, including consultation and the May Referendum, to present for adoption their Neighbourhood Plan.  It was highlighted that the plan was built on national policies and the Portfolio Holder made reference to page 55 of the agenda pack that referred to provision for car parking provision for new developments, linking in with the existing East Lindsey Local Plan.  Further to a question on weight attributed to the Plan, the Portfolio Holder advised that the Neighbourhood Development Plan carried full weight and was a tool to shape and tailor policies locally and nationally, but was not intended to stop development that was already factored into the existing East Lindsey Local Plan.


During discussion Members supported fully and agreed it was an excellent comprehensive document, worthy of being used as a blueprint by others aspiring to a neighbourhood plan.


Following which, it was




That the making of the Skegness Neighbourhood Plan be approved by the Executive on behalf of the Council as the Local Planning Authority.



The Neighbourhood Development Plan has been through Independent Examination via written representations and has passed a local referendum, therefore the legislation requires the Council to make the plan unless any of the scenarios set out section 38A(6) exist. Officers consider that that none of the scenarios exist in this case.


Other options:

Do nothing: this would be contrary to the legislative requirements placed on the Council as Local Planning Authority to either ‘make’ or refuse to ‘make’.


Kingfisher Caravan Park Annual Pitch Fee Increase, 2024: pdf icon PDF 201 KB

To consider pitch fees and determine early/late/other fees at Kingfisher Caravan Park from 1 January 2024.


That the following be approved:


1.              To increase rents (and use and occupation damages) at Kingfisher Caravan Park by 5.67% for the period 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024.  5.67% represents 50% of latest RPI monthly figure published by the Office for National Statistics at the juncture this paper was published (May 2022 – May 2023);


2.              Where a licensee has no other outstanding debit on their account, the application of an early payment discount of £150 in respect of all pitch fees billed to licensees in January 2024 if paid in full by 31 January 2024;


3.              The application of a £150 late payment fee in respect of all pitch fees billed to licensees in January 2024 but not paid in full by 1 March 2024;


4.              Where a licensee has no other outstanding debit on their account, direct debit options will be offered but with no discount to the annual charge, and,


5.              Where the Council levies ‘use and occupation damages’ against an occupier (ie where no formal licence has been entered into), no discounts will be available, direct debit payment options will not be offered, but the late payment fee will apply.



A report was presented that sought approval to increase the pitch fee and to determine early/late/other fees at Kingfisher Caravan Park from 1st January 2024. 


During his introduction of the report, the Vice Chairman advised that the licence agreements in place at Kingfisher Caravan Park provided for an annual review of pitch fees by giving one months’ notice of a change in advance of the annual review date of 1 October each year.  Notice to change the pitch fee for the period 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024 must be sent to existing licensees by no later than 23 August 2023.


It was recommended that 50% of latest figure for the Retail Prices All Items Index available at the time of publication of this report, 5.67% (rounded), be applied to current licence fees in accordance with these requirements as well as being applied to use and occupation damages.  The latest figure of the Index, published on 21 June 2023 for May 2023 marked an 11.33% increase above the index since May 2021 (337.1 – 375.3).

(Source: )


In addition, it was recommended that the early payment discount introduced by the Council in 2019 be continued and set at £150 for pitch fees to licensees invoiced for 2024 and paid in full before 31 January 2024; and that a late payment fee of £150 be applied to any invoice issued in January 2024 and not paid in full by 1 March 2024. Early payment discounts would not apply to use and occupation damages.


During discussion, Members supported the recommendations and agreed what was proposed was fair and reasonable.




That the following be approved:


1.           To increase rents (and use and occupation damages) at Kingfisher Caravan Park by 5.67% for the period 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024.  5.67% represents 50% of latest RPI monthly figure published by the Office for National Statistics at the juncture this paper was published (May 2022 – May 2023);


2.           Where a licensee has no other outstanding debit on their account, the application of an early payment discount of £150 in respect of all pitch fees billed to licensees in January 2024 if paid in full by 31 January 2024;


3.           The application of a £150 late payment fee in respect of all pitch fees billed to licensees in January 2024 but not paid in full by 1 March 2024;


4.           Where a licensee has no other outstanding debit on their account, direct debit options will be offered but with no discount to the annual charge, and,


5.           Where the Council levies ‘use and occupation damages’ against an occupier (ie where no formal licence has been entered into), no discounts will be available, direct debit payment options will not be offered, but the late payment fee will apply.



As a key measure of consumer inflation, using the All Items Retail Prices Index as a basis for uplift is reasonable and proportionate as RPI increases are often the minimum increases  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.


Date of Next Meeting:

The programmed date for the next Meeting of this Board will be Wednesday 20th September 2023.


The date of the next Meeting of Executive Board was noted as Wednesday 20th September 2023.


Confidential Information:




That by Regulation of 22(1)(A) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2000, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that, if they were present, there could be disclosed to them confidential information as defined in paragraph(s) 3 of the Act.


Local Energy Advice Demonstrator:

To consider a confidential report.


That the recommendations contained within the confidential report be approved.


A confidential Report was presented.




That the recommendations contained within the confidential report be approved.



As contained within the confidential report.


Other options:

As contained within the confidential report.