Venue: Committee Room One, Tedder Hall, Manby Park, Louth. View directions
Contact: Ann Good Senior Member Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence: Minutes: It was noted that, in accordance with Regulation 13 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990, notice had been given that Councillor Ashton had been appointed to the Committee in place of Councillor Bowkett, Councillor Jackson had been appointed in place of Councillor Howard and Councillor Dickinson in place of Councillor Byford. |
Election of Chairman: Minutes: Councillor Edginton was duly nominated and it was
That Councillor Edginton be elected as Chairman of the Employment Committee for this meeting only.
Disclosures of Interest: Minutes: At this point in the Meeting Members were invited to declare any relevant interests, no such interests were declared. |
Minutes: To receive the Open and Exempt Minutes of the Meetings held on 3 September 2013 and 16 September 2013.
Please note that the minutes were provided with the previous Agenda. Minutes: The Open and Exempt Minutes of the Meetings held on Tuesday 3 & 16 September 2013 September were accepted and signed as a correct record. |
Exclusion of Public and Press: Minutes: RESOLVED
That under Section 100(a)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that, if they were present, there could be disclosed to them exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 & 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act (as amended). |
Appeal against dismissal: Confidential supplementary report of the Senior Human Resources Business Partner (Compass Point Business Services).
Report of the 5th June 2015 previously circulated. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members were referred to the previously circulated Agenda, (5 June 2015). A supplementary report was presented that detailed additional information (photographs) received on 3rd June 2015, which the dismissed employee had asked to be considered by the Employment Committee.
In addition, Members attention was drawn to the Disciplinary Procedure which must be followed. The Head of Human Resources provided a reminder that questions should be addressed through the Chairman.
Following which, it was
1) That the public and press be invited to rejoin the meeting;
2) That the Appeal against Dismissal be upheld on the balance of probability that the Council’s case for dismissal was not proven;
3) That a sanction be applied in the form of a final written warning to the employee in view of the serious issues flagged up by this case;
4) That further training be provided to the employee.