Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: The Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH. View directions

Contact: Joanne Paterson  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Election of Chairman:


Councillor Stan Avison was duly nominated and upon being put to the vote, it was



That Councillor Stan Avison be elected Chairman of the Licensing Sub-Committee for this Meeting only.





Disclosure of Interests (if any):


Councillor Graham Cullen asked that it be noted that he was a personal licence holder.




Apologies for Absence:


Those present were noted. No apologies for absence were received.


Temporary Event Notice - Llama Trekking Farm, Julian Bower, Louth: pdf icon PDF 254 KB

Report of Service Manager, Safer Communities.

Additional documents:


Members were advised that prior to the hearing discussion had taken place with the Premises User and Lincolnshire Police it was therefore considered beneficial to adjourn to clarify the issues that had been raised by the Premises User, in order that Officers could provide necessary advice to the Committee.

(N.B The Sub Committee adjourned at 2:15pm)

(N.B The Sub Committee re-convened at 2:50pm)

The Chairman invited those in attendance to introduce themselves.

The Principal Licensing Officer introduced his report and advised the Sub Committee Members that the report considered objection notices issued by Lincolnshire Police and the Council’s Environmental Health Department regarding a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) for a dance music event in a marquee on the Llama Trekking Farm, Julian Bower, Louth.

The Principal Licensing Officer clarified the aspects of the event that required a TEN.  A TEN had to be issued for an event for under 500 people where 'licensable activities' would take place, however the ‘live music’ element of the festival was exempt from TEN rules, should there be recorded music then this would require a TEN. The importance of this was emphasised to the festival organisers.

Members were further advised that the TEN sought to authorise the sale of alcohol (for consumption on the premises) and the provision of regulated entertainment on Saturday 30th July 2022. The proposed event period being from 1100 to 2300 hours.

Furthermore, the Principal Licensing Officer outlined the options available to the Committee, (page 1 of the report refers) stated that the Sub Committee must consider the objection notices issued by Lincolnshire Police and the Environmental Health Department in terms of upholding the licensing objectives.

The Principal Licensing Officer set out the background to the report in brief  (paragraph 1.1-1.2, page 2 of the report refers) and explained that a decision was required to be made today.

Ms. Catherine McGarva,Solicitor to Lincolnshire Police was invited to make her representation to the Committee.  Members were advised that the objection by the Police had arisen from concerns around crime and disorder, public nuisance and safety.  The Police were concerned primarily with the absence of engagement and communication. Reference was made to the statement of Sergeant Palmer, Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant for the area concerned.


Members were reminded that Sergeant Palmer’s role included engaging local communities and attempting to resolve any problems that were reported.


Specific concerns had been raised by Sergeant Palmer with regard to: -


·         the ‘siting’ of the proposed festival given the local tensions in this area.  Reference was made to the Location Plan (Appendix A of the report refers)  also Julian Bower was a private road maintained by local residents a potential entry point for the event.

·         There was also a live dispute regarding various rights of way and privately owned land in the area.

·         Whilst these issues were ongoing it would only add to the risk of crime and disorder.

·         In addition there was no consideration for provision of parking for the event resulting in members of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.