Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: the Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH

Contact: Lynda Eastwood  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Election of Chairman:


Councillor Stan Avison was duly nominated and upon being put to the vote, it was



That Councillor Stan Avison be elected Chairman of the Licensing Sub-Committee for this Meeting only.




Apologies for Absence:


No apologies were received.


Disclosure of Interests (if any):


Councillor David Andrews stepped down and asked that it be noted that he would attend as member of the public only. 


Variation of a Premises Licence - Tennyson Lodge, 61 Victoria Road, Mablethorpe, LN12 2AF: pdf icon PDF 242 KB

Report of Assistant Director – Regulatory.

Additional documents:


The Chairman outlined the background to the application then provided information on the meeting’s procedure.


The Principal Licensing Officer introduced his report and advised the Sub-Committee Members that this was an application by Mr Sunny KN Oderdra for variation of the premises licence in respect of Tennyson Lodge, 61 Victoria Road, Mablethorpe, LN12 2A, seeking to remove conditions from the premises licence which restricted the supply of alcohol to persons taking table meal and residents.  He further provided a summary of the history of the conditions and how alcohol licences were granted.  He also advised that it had become the norm for conditions to be removed if applied for.  It was noted that additional conditions could be added by Members if deemed appropriate.


The Principal Licensing Officer drew Members’ attention to the licence conditions.  It was highlighted that the Police required the applicant to volunteer to implement standard measures that the Council would expect to see in these cases.  He noted that neither Lincolnshire Police, Trading Standards or Environmental Health had made representations or raised concerns and reiterated that any planning issues needed to be referred to the Planning Department.


The Chairman invited Mr. Oderdra to make his representation to the Licensing Sub Committee.


Mr Oderdra detailed the background to his application, from the purchase of the property in 2022 to date.  He advised that he had partook in constructive conversations with Lincolnshire Police and that all recommendations made had been included in the application.


Following which, representations were invited from those objecting to the application to the variation of the premises licence.


Mr Rowlands advised the Sub-Committee that he lived opposite Tennyson Lodge and raised concerns about smoking and vaping, as well as noise levels and drinking in an unfenced area next to the road.  He also expressed concern about the size of the cellar and the ability to cool products.  He also queried whether there was a separate room for hotel residents, and raised concerns with the limited on-site parking and problems with refuse and HGV deliveries.


Mr Lee outlined his interest in this application.  The concerns he raised included noise levels from inside and outside of the property, including late night karaoke every day of the week.  He requested that soundproofing should be added between adjoining properties and the reinstallation of a lobby to mitigate noise when the front doors were opened.  He further expressed concern about midnight closing being too late, and repeated concerns about the impact of smoking.  He also reiterated concern regarding barrels blocking access to his property.  He highlighted that customer parking in front of his father-in-law’s property was causing concern and inconvenience. 


Following a brief discussion, an agreement was made between Mr Lee and Mr Oderdra to meet informally to discuss parking and the placement of barrels.


Members were then invited to put their questions forward to the Applicant and Objectors. 


·       A Member asked if the Applicant lived on the premises and whether he would be present during operational hours.  The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.