Agenda and minutes

Venue: the Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH

Contact: Lynda Eastwood  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Election of Chairman:


Councillor Sandra Campbell-Wardman was duly nominated and upon being put to the vote, it was



That Councillor Sandra Campbell Wardman be elected Chairman of the Licensing Sub-Committee for this Meeting only.




Disclosure of Interests (if any):


At this point in the meeting, Members were invited to declare any relevant interests.  None were received.


Apologies for Absence:


No apologies were received.


Review of a Premises Licence: pdf icon PDF 237 KB

Report of Group Manager Public Protection.

Additional documents:


An open report was submitted by the Group Manager Public Protection which enabled Members to consider an application by Lincolnshire Police for a review of the premises licence held in respect of Social 22, 22 Victoria Road, Mablethorpe, LN12 2AQ.


The review application was submitted by Lincolnshire Police under the provisions of Section 51 of the Licensing Act 2003.

The Police were seeking the suspension of the premises licence together with the removal of the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS).  However, the Police had indicated that if the premises licence holder was unable to acknowledge their responsibility to promote the licensing objectives, then they would ask the Sub-Committee to seriously consider the revocation of the premises licence. 

The application for review had not attracted representations from the other Responsible Authorities or Other Parties.

The Principal Licensing Officer outlined the recommendations available to the Sub-Committee, page 2 of the report refers.


Sergeant Brigginshaw, who was representing Lincolnshire Police, was invited to make her representation to the Sub-Committee.


Sergeant Brigginshaw relayed the supporting information set out in the application for the review to Members, pages 31 to 35 of the Agenda pack refer.  Reference was made to the police visits and a number of specific breaches, concerns and issues, from November 2017 to November 2022, including:


-      Unavailable CCTV following incidents the police were having to deal with.

-      Door staff not being issued or using body worn video.

-      Door supervisor logs not being filled in. 

-      Incorrectly recruiting door staff.

-      Incident logbook and refusals book could not be produced.

-      Screens put up outside to watch football when not permitted to. supervisor logs not being filled in, incorrectly recruiting door

Members were informed that further concerns were raised by Lincolnshire Police in November 2022 with regards to the suitability of the new management team that Mr Summers had leased the venue to, under the Summers Enterprise premises licence with Mr Summers remaining as the DPS.


Sergeant Brigginshaw stated that if Mr Summers was a responsible premises licence holder and committed to running a safe venue, he would have ensured he was satisfied with their suitability to run a safe business using his building and his licence prior to making any agreements. .  It transpired that he was not responsible and the situation continued with further concerns and further instances of increasing severity.

Members were referred to Paragraph 10.27 and 10.28 of the Section 182 Guidance, page 42 of the pack refers, relating to the expectation and responsibility of the DPS.

Sergeant Brigginshaw highlighted that the venue had reopened under various names - Social 22, Envy, Tiki Bar and Tiki Lounge.

Sergeant Brigginshaw further referred Members to the supporting information set out in the application for the review to Members, pages 31 to 35 of the agenda pack refer.  Reference was made to the police visits and a number of specific breaches, concerns and issues, from November 2022 to July 2023, including:


-      Issues of drunkenness and disorder including  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.