Venue: the Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH
Contact: Elaine Speed Senior Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence: Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Mark Dannatt, Alex Hall and Paul Rickett.
It was noted that, in accordance with Regulation 13 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990, notice had been given that Councillor Neil Jones had been appointed to the Committee in place of Councillor Daniel McNally for this Meeting only. |
Disclosure of Interests (if any): Minutes: At this point in the Meeting, Members were invited to declare any relevant interests. None were received. |
To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 14 March 2024 and the Minutes of the Special Meeting held at the rising of the AGM on 22 May 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 14 March 2024 and the Minutes of the Special Meeting held at the rising of the AGM on 22 May 2024 were agreed as a correct record. |
Actions from the previous Meeting(s). Minutes: The actions were noted as complete or in hand. |
Revised National Planning Policy Framework Consultation (July-Sept 2024): To receive a report. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Phil Norman, Assistant Director for Planning and Strategic Infrastructure, Paul Jackson, SHDC Executive Programme Manager and Pranali Parikh, Director of Economic Development to provide Members with an update.
The Assistant Director for Planning and Strategic Infrastructure presented Members with a report on the Revised National Planning Policy Framework Consultation which highlighted a summary of the proposed changes in the published consultation on the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF, 2024), pages 15 to 20 of the Agenda refer.
The key considerations related to the revised National Planning Policy Framework were highlighted as follows:
· Housing Supply and Targets · Affordable Housing · Design · Economic Development · Climate Change · Agricultural Land
Members were advised that the new housing target was currently proposed at 1091 dwellings per annum in comparison to the current Local Plan target of 558 and that questions were being raised on how East Lindsey could deliver the level of growth and provide the infrastructure to support the significant increase.
In relation to agricultural land, the Assistant Director for Planning and Strategic Infrastructure further advised Members that the removal of the inclusion in the NPPF for high grade agricultural land to be protected had been influenced by the government’s increasing support of renewable energy schemes.
Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.
· At the indulgence of the Chairman, Councillor Ruchira Yarsley queried the practicality of the changes in the NPFP and whether there was a demand and need for such high numbers of housing in the district and how this would affect farmers and rural areas in East Lindsey. In response, the Assistant Director - Planning and Strategic Growth explained to Members that the housing figure was a 150% increase and that it was essential that the Council made strong representations to the government on the proposed changes to highlight concerns on adverse impacts. The Assistant Director – Planning and Strategic Growth further assured Members it was the government’s responsibility to obtain feedback through the consultation process and that the final position may change when they examined how the proposals would work in rural areas.
· The Chairman commented on the challenges that would result from a significant increase in housing numbers including the impact from the lack of demand, lack of skilled workers or from shortages in building materials. The Chairman further commented on concerns with meeting the proposed housing targets and the removal of taking agricultural land used for food production into account.
· A Member queried the possible penalties for not achieving the government’s targets and commented on whether more focus was needed on building renewable energy on flood risk areas rather than on high quality agricultural land. In response, the Chairman advised Members that further discussion on the Local Plan would be undertaken during the following Agenda item and that the availability and allocation of land for market housing was significantly constrained in East Lindsey by the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and inland and coastal flood risk areas.
· A Member referred to an ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
East Lindsey Local Plan Update: To receive a report. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Ismail Mohammed, Interim Planning Policy and Research Manager to provide Members with an update.
The Interim Planning Policy and Research Manager presented Members with a report that advised Members on the current progress with the Local Plan review and to consider the next steps, pages 21 to 28 of the Agenda refer.
Members were advised that the preparation of the revised Local Plan had been delayed due to on-going work on the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) and was unlikely to be progressed to the ‘Regulation 19’ Pre-Submission consultation by the end of this year, with the Phase 1 report expected to be completed by mid-September 2024.
The Interim Planning Policy and Research Manager advised Members on concerns with the proposed housing targets being unachievable and that the Council had not previously come close to achieving housing figures as high as 1091 in several years. Members were informed that the current Local Plan remained fit for purpose and that a further report would return to the Committee once the 800 sites in the strategic housing land availability assessment had been reviewed and assessed for their suitability for housing. The Interim Planning Policy and Research Manager assured Members that processes were underway to meet the government target of December 2026.
Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.
· At the indulgence of the Chairman, Councillor Ruchira Yarsley queried whether most of 800 sites included in the strategic land assessment was in flood risk or nearby areas. In response, the Interim Planning Policy and Research Manager confirmed to Members that a number of sites within the strategic housing land assessment were in flood risk areas.
· Councillor Ruchira Yarsley further queried whether a solution could be achieved by siting renewable energy in flood risk areas instead of affecting good quality agricultural land.
· In reference to the 61 representations received in the Issues and Options Consultation in Spring 2021, Councillor Ruchira Yarley queried whether it was possible to obtain a list of the parish councils which had responded, page 23 of the Agenda refers. In response, the Interim Planning Policy and Research confirmed that an examination of the data would be undertaken.
· A Member queried whether caravans could be considered as residential for the purpose of housing numbers and commented on the differences between East Lindsey and Boston Borough who were able to build in flood risk areas. In response, Paul Jackson, SHDC Executive Programme Manager advised Members on the background that led to South Holland and Boston Councils building on flood risk locations and encouraged that East Lindsey required resilience and commitment to work with the numbers and strengthen relationships with the Environment Agency to achieve solutions.
· A Member requested examples of extra resilience that East Lindsey could undertake. In response, the SHDC Executive Programme Manager explained to Members that resilience involved three approaches which included a defence approach through working with the Environment Agency to upgrade and maintain flood defences, mitigation measures such as raised floor levels ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Date of Next Meeting: Minutes: The date of the next Meeting was confirmed as Thursday 17 October 2024 commencing at 6.00pm. |