Agenda and minutes


Venue: the Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH

Contact: Laura Allen  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence:


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Sam Kemp.


It was noted that in accordance with Regulation 13 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990, notice had been given that Councillor Alex Hall had been appointed to the Committee in place of Councillor Will Grover for this Meeting only.


Disclosure of Interests (if any):


At this point in the meeting, Members were invited to declare any relevant

interests.  There were no disclosures of interest received. 




Minutes: pdf icon PDF 208 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 22 November 2023.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 22 November 2023 were agreed as a correct record.


Action Sheet: pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Actions from the last Meeting.

Additional documents:


Members were referred to the Action Sheet, pages 19 to 22 of the Agenda



Members noted that the actions from previous meetings were confirmed as completed or in hand as follows:


Action No. 40 (a) and (b) from the meeting held on the 22nd November 2023, page 19 of the Agenda refers.


A Member requested clarification on whether the final report on S106’s was to include information on the reporting mechanisms in place.  The Section 151 Officer advised that the Annual Report was due to be published online and confirmed that it detailed all information and processes.


It was further queried if updates on Invest East Lindsey’s outstanding action in relation to dividend policies was to return to Audit and Governance, and what guidance was recommended to protect the Council’s investments by ensuring Invest East Lindsey continued to operate.  The Section 151 Officer advised that a timeline on formalising arrangements for the payment of dividends was to be reported back to the Committee as a separate action.  It was further advised that Invest East Lindsey was not currently in a position to make a dividend and that there were other options to pursue which would be considered by Invest East Lindsey and Shareholders in due course.


Chairman's Update:



Draft Budget Report 2024/25 - 2028/29: pdf icon PDF 339 KB

To receive a report from the Section 151 Officer.

Additional documents:


Councillor Richard Fry, Portfolio Holder for Finance presented Members with the Draft Budget Report 2024/25 - 2028/29.


Members were invited to review the papers and provide comment and feedback to Executive Board for consideration at its Meeting to be held on 14 February 2024. The report and associated documents were attached to the Agenda, pages 23 to 64 refer.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance advised that this was his last budget presentation as he was stepping down from the role of Portfolio Holder.  Recognition was placed on the dedication and expertise of the Finance team; the service area teams and Portfolio Holders in the context of the budget challenge process and he was pleased to report that the 2024/25 budget was balanced and retained the Council’s current baseline service levels.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance further advised that final checks on the budget were being undertaken and that the Capital Programme remained in draft as final adjustments were made.  Significant improvement had taken place on last year’s timelines with more opportunities for Portfolio Holders to be involved.


A copy of the budget presentation delivered by the Portfolio Holder for Finance is attached at Appendix A to the Minutes.


Key information was highlighted as follows:


·         The previous Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) committed to a Council Tax increase in line with the maximum allowed under the recent Local Government Settlement. For ELDC in 2024/25 this was a £4.95 (3.06%) per annum increase (for band D properties). This was to generate additional income of £370k and the increase was to be reflected throughout the life of the MTFS.


·         The proposed budget showed that efficiencies would be required to support the medium-term financial strategy (MTFS).


·         Efficiency Target of £424k allowing for £1.4m IDB support and significant contributions to reserves were budgeted for.


·         Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) approach was being utilised for future replacements of assets rather than use of reserves.


·         Revenue budget was in draft and loaded into the finance system.


·         The capital programme was proposed with a total financing requirement of £54.4m and a final version of the programme was being presented to Council on 28th February 2024 for approval.


·         Following the premature repayment of borrowing in 23/24, the budget included the pro rata discount credit of £834k.


·         Areas for priority investment and consultation included market towns and rural areas, driving and supporting economic growth, the delivery of affordable housing, supporting the vulnerable, healthy living, decarbonisation and continued investment in green initiatives and invest to save. 


·         A new Corporate Priorities reserve had been established to facilitate the delivery of these areas of focus.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·         A Member queried how many Councils in areas with IDB’s paid levies rather than precepting and whether these Councils had been working together to address the issues.  It was further queried why external information had suggested the increase on IDB’s was 0.75% compared to the 2-10% increase reported.


In response, the Section 151 Officer advised that all Council  ...  view the full minutes text for item 56.


Draft Treasury Management Policy and Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2024/25: pdf icon PDF 263 KB

To receive a report from the Treasury and Investment Manager PSPS.

Additional documents:


Sean Howsam, Interim Treasury and Investment Manager, PSPS Limited presented Members with the Draft Treasury Management Policy and Strategy Statement for the 2024/25 financial year, pages 65 to 112 of the Agenda refer.


Members were informed that the report was being presented to Overview Committee for prior scrutiny and was included as part of the Budget Setting Report that was being presented to the Executive Board on 14th February 2024 before being submitted to Council for approval on 28th February 2024.


The following areas were highlighted to Members:


      Reporting requirements and compliance with Treasury and Prudential indicators

      No changes were proposed to the Treasury Management Policy included as Appendix A (pages 73 to 74 of the Agenda refer)

      A review of the Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Minimum Revenue Provision Policy and Annual Investment Strategy 2024/25 included as Appendix B (pages 75 to 112 of the Agenda refer)

      A review of the Council’s borrowing strategy and investment policy for 2024/25 and the Council’s Debt rescheduling


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


  • A Member praised the report which demonstrated that a good solid approach was being undertaken.



There were no further comments or questions received.

The Chairman thanked the Treasury and Investment Manager for his comprehensive report.

Following which it was,




That the Draft Treasury Management Policy and Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2024/25 report be approved and presented to the Executive Board on 14th February 2024.


External Auditors Progress Report 2023/24:

To receive an update from KPMG, External Auditors.


The Chairman welcomed Rosie Kelly a representative from KPMG to provide Members with an update. 


Members were informed that KPMG was the Council’s incoming external audit manager for 2023-24 and an audit plan was underway.  It was advised that a meeting had been held with the Chairman of Audit & Governance, the Council’s previous auditors and PSPS managers, and that further progress was needed to initiate the process.


The KPMG representative advised that further updates were to follow and that weekly catch-up meetings had been scheduled with PSPS.  It was emphasised that all audit planning procedures required completion by March 2024.


The Chairman thanked the representative from KPMG for attending and providing an update.


Appointment of Independent Co-Opted Member:

To receive an update.


The Chairman advised Members that the Working Group had interviewed one candidate and had not been able to appoint.  The intension was to re-advertise  the position  following the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) which was being presented to Council in February 2024. 


In response, the Assistant Director (Governance) & Monitoring Officer confirmed that the IRP was to make a recommendation on co-optee allowances, and that this could support recruitment of a second Independent Co-opted Member.


Committee Members indicated their support for the position to be re-advertised following the Council’s consideration of the IRP report.



Committee Work Programme 2023/24: pdf icon PDF 183 KB

To consider the Audit & Governance Committee Work Programme 2023/24.



Date of Next Meeting:


The programmed date for the next Meeting of this Committee was noted as 27 March 2024.