Reports from Scrutiny and Policy Panels:
East Lindsey's Approach to the Rough Sleeping Initiative Scrutiny Report.
N.B. This report will be to follow pending consideration by the Overview Committee.
The Chairman of the ‘East Lindsey’s Approach to the Rough Sleeping Initiative’ Scrutiny Panel, Councillor Jackson, presented the Panel’s final report for consideration.
The review was commissioned by the Overview Committee as part of its oversight of the Council’s Rough Sleeping Initiative and had considered the Council’s commitment to support vulnerable people and reduce the number of people sleeping rough in the district.
During her introduction Councillor Jackson expressed her thanks to who had participated in the review. Councillor Jackson referred to much good practice, but acknowledged that evidence demonstrated an increasing number of people were faced with rough sleeping, which required a concentrated effort to ensure the situation remained in control.
Councillor Jackson made particular reference to Recommendation 8; Lobbying of Government for funding as crucial and Recommendation 3; Assessment Hub, which required a large investment but had the potential to save money. Following which, Councillor Jackson recommended the report to Council and welcomed any questions.
During discussion the Portfolio Holder for Communities expressed her thanks for the report and acknowledged the work undertaken by officers. It was highlighted that Government money had been used wisely and a Rough Sleeping Hub had already been considered to eliminate the use of bed and breakfast accommodation. It was hoped that others would follow the good practice already established.
N.B. Councillor Aldridge left the meeting at 2.30 pm.
The Chairman of the Executive Board advised that this presented specific issues on the coast and in market towns. Councillor Leyland also wished to acknowledge the work undertaken by the officers involved and expressed his thanks for the report and also to the Portfolio Holder for Communities.
Following which questions were raised as follows:
· Were there any mental health trained professionals within the team and would recommendations be guided by a protocol;
· The need for a definition of homelessness as a lack of clarity could lead to prejudice and enforcement issues;
· The cost of rental accommodation and private landlords who did not accept those in receipt of benefits;
· A lack of evidence from volunteer groups and that evidence gathering undertaken by two Members of the Panel had not been included;
· A member paid tribute to the Chair and Panel in producing a solid piece of work that he considered was supported by appropriate referencing and evidence;
· Councillor Parkin as Vice Chair of Overview Committee congratulated the Chair and Panel on a good report. Councillor Parkin highlighted the budget now included provision for individual spot funding, which due to the complexity behind homelessness was most important. It was highlighted that in terms of evidence from service providers, it was important to be clear on the pathways available and to that end it was suggested that Councillor training or shadowing would be useful.
In response, Councillor Jackson expressed her thanks for all comments. In respect of the query on mental health expertise, it was highlighted that there was some expertise within the team, but the advice was not to recruit specifically in terms of mental health. Councillor Jackson welcomed the initiative of a Mental Health Hub.
In addition, Councillor Jackson recognised the comments made by the Chairman of the Executive Board regarding an expectation that funding would continue, but may be administered in different ways going forward, and hoped that the Council would lobby for the continuation of funding.
With regard to comments on the need for a definition for homelessness, Councillor Jackson acknowledged that there were some points outside of the scope that were valid. Furthermore, Councillor Jackson wished to acknowledge the assistance of the volunteer groups involved, however whilst evidence was always useful, the report deadline meant that there did need to be a closing point for submissions.
Councillor Jackson expressed her thanks to the Overview Committee for quality checking the report; the points made had been considered and incorporated where possible. Finally, Councillor Jackson agreed it was important for Councillors to understand the referral process and hoped that this would be a topic for a future Reserved Member Day.
That the final report of the East Lindsey’s Approach to the Rough Sleeping Initiative Scrutiny Panel be noted and forwarded to the appropriate Portfolio Holder to consider the recommendations.
Supporting documents:
- Restricted enclosure
- rough-sleeping-scrutiny-5.3.pdf, item 82. PDF 843 KB