Report of the Chairman of the Executive Board:
- Meeting of Budget, Council, Wednesday, 1st March, 2023 2.00 pm (Item 68.)
- View the background to item 68.
Report of the Chairman of Executive Board.
Councillor Leyland, Chairman of Executive Board offered his thanks to Councillor Stan Avison for 23 years’ service to the Council and extended his very best wishes for the future.
The Chairman of Executive Board presented his report, pages 29 to 32 refer. Further to the update published, Councillor Leyland reflected that it was the last meeting of full council of the current administration and wished to add the following:
· Consistent with the published report was the Council’s ambition and action to offer support for vulnerable residents, the economy and driving positive change for residents, including challenging social deprivation.
· Looking to drive the economy with the Economic Growth Team and to succeed with partnership working, the Council had engaged with the government’s Levelling Up Agenda.
· The Council understood the impact of climate change and how the council needed to operate to meet the targets.
· In 2019 the Council observed developing technologies, for example video conferencing.
· There were many challenges and issues faced, not least the Covid virus in early March 2020 and putting plans into place for dealing with the possible impacts on residents, businesses and council services and recognising all of the changes as a result of that.
· Teams across the Council worked tirelessly to help those most affected during the resulting pandemic. The Economic Development Teams delivered government support to businesses across the district in a very short space of time. Communities came together and Ward Members organised and facilitated many services to residents and to date continued to take on this role with cost-of-living challenges. Notably, enquiries for council services remained well above pre-pandemic levels.
· The Council had seen many benefits of the Partnership with Boston Borough Council and South Holland District Council, having louder voices were collectively better understood and achievements had been recognised in securing national grants and funding.
A further update to the published report was received and is attached at Appendix A to the Minutes.
Following which, questions and comments were put forward:
L G Challenge
Councillor Jackson was pleased to note that the Partnership had hosted the 2023 LG Challenge and welcomed the Partnership’s own challenge ‘How can the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership lead the way for flood resilience in the sub-region, and through innovation maximise the benefit for communities and businesses across all coastal economies’ and asked whether the final proposals from the teams that took part could be made available to Members. In response, the Chairman of Executive Board advised Members that it was a very worthwhile event and was happy to share that information.
Green Homes Grant
Councillor Jackson further offered her congratulations to the Green Homes Grant Team being shortlisted for the Local Authority Retrofit Programme Category, page 31 of the Agenda refers, however considered that the numbers involved was a fraction of what was actually required.
In response to points raised in relation to the Green Homes Grants, the Chairman of Executive Board stated that the Council would continue to take on the challenges ahead and highlighted that it was important to secure funding to enable to continue offering the grants whilst officers would continue to update on the progress with this. It was acknowledged that technology was not always appropriate for some houses, but the Council would strive to make energy costs more affordable for its residents.
Councillor Smith was pleased to note that the Chairman of Executive Board mentioned that the Hub would become energy neutral, however highlighted his disappointment that this was not undertaken during the building process when it was cheaper, more possible and more efficient and had been suggested by the carbon reduction advisors during the scrutiny panel before the Hub was built.
In response to a query raised on the payback time to cover the cost of the paper and card recycling scheme, the issues of bin deliveries and communication to those residents with a lack of understanding of how to recycle, the Chairman of Executive Board advised Members that he would provide a response after the meeting. With regards to communications, it was highlighted that there had been various rounds with regards to recycling and what went in each bin, however, he was happy to speak to the Lead Portfolio Holder and officers regarding that to reach a conclusion.
Councillor Arnold stated that she was pleased that glass was now being collected and recycled, however had concerns with the removal of the bins at community points. It was highlighted that during February 2023 in Sutton on Sea there had been 46 voluntary hours on 29 beach cleans that had collected hundreds of plastic bottles, drinks cans and glass bottles and stressed the importance to recycle at every point possible. In response, the Chairman of Executive Board stated that he would look at the issues raised and wanted to address this so every opportunity was provided to recycle.
Skegness Travel Lodge
Councillor Howard referred to the written update on the Skegness Travel Lodge, page 30 of the Agenda refers and queried now the land had been sold whether this was the end of the Council’s commitment and if there were any hidden costs. In response, the Chairman of Executive Board advised Members that he was kept up to date on the project and was not aware of any other costs and welcomed the investment in Skegness.
A further query was raised on how the Council was proceeding with the challenge with government over its regular local planning regulations with regards to Skegness hotels and considered that an update was appropriate. In response, the Chairman of Executive Board advised Members that with regards to Skegness hotels being used as hostels for asylum seekers, following a letter sent to the Secretary of State a response had now been received. Evidence was being gathered with regards to the planning issue with a view to potentially taking enforcement action against those hotels, although it was not a short-term fix and furthermore implications of taking such action would also have to be considered.
Councillor Danny Brookes thanked the Chairman of Executive Board for his report and the positive items relating to Skegness, in particular the Travelodge which emphasised that Skegness was open for business and investment. In response, the Chairman of Executive Board stated that he was happy to see the ambition in Skegness which had wider benefits of access to employment and extending the season.
Further to the Chairman of the Executive Board’s reference to physical health, wellbeing and mental health in his update, Councillor Horton considered that this was being ignored in relation to sport, in particular referencing the lack of football pitches. In response, the Chairman of Executive Board acknowledged the points made and advised that the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Leisure and Culture, and Carbon Reduction would be happy to discuss future plans for Louth and considered that there would be benefits for a wider discussion to take place.
Warm Spaces
Further acknowledgment was given to the Warm Spaces funding and the opportunities that this had provided for residents to take advantage of, and also the benefits of people coming together to share their experiences.
Household Support Fund
Councillor Makinson-Sanders highlighted the importance to continue to offer support to those residents who were continuing to struggle financially on the benefits that they received and those in particular that lived alone that faced a bigger financial burden and needed to be given extra help.
Councillor Makinson-Sanders further acknowledged the success with government funding received, however wished to highlight the good work by volunteers in the communities who had assisted in the delivery of this. In response, the Chairman of Executive Board stated that his report acknowledged how incredible the voluntary groups had been and how they had delivered for the communities and was pleased to see that there was evidence and information gathered from that process and banked for future use.
Councillor Smith added that it was within the gift of the Council with regards to reductions on Housing Benefit and Council Tax and did not agree with the Council deterring people from shared occupancy or sharing a tenancy through its own policies which was one way to help people. In response, the Chairman of Executive Board stated that he was happy with the way the Council collected Council Tax and dealt with Housing Benefits but was happy to speak to the Portfolio Holder to understand the points raised.
Councillor Howard stated that it was important that the Council supported the food banks, however was disappointed that people’s circumstances had become so desperate over the last few years that there was a need to provide them. With regards to the points made, the Chairman of Executive Board acknowledged that the Council was exposed to certain factors in respect of the cost-of-living crisis, however resolved to support its most vulnerable residents.
Supporting documents:
Leaders Report March 2023, item 68.
PDF 672 KB
Additional Update to Leader Report 230301, item 68.