Agenda item

National Portfolio Organisation:

To consider the preparation required for National Portfolio Organisation funding from Arts Council England.


1.              That approval of the inclusion of £651,993 revenue grant funding per annum into the Council’s Budget for 2023/24 and Medium-Term Financial Plan for 2024/25 and 2025/26 be recommended to Council;


2.              That (subject to Council approving the budget) that approval be given for the Council to be the accountable body for the National Portfolio Organisation funding award, acceptance of the grant and approval of delegated authority to agree the grant terms and conditions to the Assistant Director Economic Growth;


3.              That the future use of Sutton on Sea Colonnade as a Cultural Hub be approved and any necessary in-kind contributions to support the delivery of the funded programme;


4.              That approval be given for Magna Vitae, the Council’s delivery partner for Culture, to be commissioned to manage delivery of the funded programme;


5.              That delegation be agreed for the Assistant Director Economic Growth in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders to establish a Culture Board and agree its Terms of Reference;


6.              That the Activity Plan (attached at Appendix B) be noted and delegation be authorised to the Assistant Director Economic Growth in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders to modify and approve future plans.


A report was presented to enable consideration of the preparation required for National Portfolio Organisation funding from Arts Council England.  It was noted that Arts Council England (ACE) had confirmed investment for the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (SELCP) from the 2023-2026 Investment Programme for National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) as funding per annum of £651,993 (total of £1,955,799 for a three year programme) to commence from April 2023 and would continue through to March 2026.


The Activity Plan for the first year (from April 2023) had been submitted to ACE for approval.  If successful, East Lindsey District Council as the accountable body for the ACE funding, would be awarded £651,993 (split across the Partnership Councils, variable subject to particular outputs at any time) to deliver an art and cultural programme in line with the Activity Plan.  The Plan included the development of three Creative Hubs to help deliver the activity Boston Guildhall, Ayscoughfee Hall, the Colonnade at Sutton on Sea) and the establishment of a Culture Board to oversee the programme.  The Culture Board would support collaboration and exchange programmes to establish the area as a hub for regional cultural development, with an exemplar approach to the inclusion of heritage within arts and culture.


During his introduction of the report the Portfolio Holder for Coastal Economy referred to approval for Magna Vitae, the Council’s delivery partner for culture, to manage the delivery of the funded programme to actively engage with all NPO’s across Lincolnshire.  It was highlighted that care would be taken to ensure no duplication of ACE funding.  The Portfolio Holder wished to express his thanks to Lydia Rusling, Assistant Director for Economic Growth and officers involved.


N.B. Councillor Ashton joined the meeting at 6:08pm.


During discussion Members supported the recommendations and referred to the benefits and the recognition from Arts Council England.




1.              That approval of the inclusion of £651,993 revenue grant funding per annum into the Council’s Budget for 2023/24 and Medium-Term Financial Plan for 2024/25 and 2025/26 be recommended to Council;


2.              That (subject to Council approving the budget) that approval be given for the Council to be the accountable body for the National Portfolio Organisation funding award, acceptance of the grant and approval of delegated authority to agree the grant terms and conditions to the Assistant Director Economic Growth;


3.              That the future use of Sutton on Sea Colonnade as a Cultural Hub be approved and any necessary in-kind contributions to support the delivery of the funded programme;


4.              That approval be given for Magna Vitae, the Council’s delivery partner for Culture, to be commissioned to manage delivery of the funded programme;


5.              That delegation be agreed for the Assistant Director Economic Growth in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders to establish a Culture Board and agree its Terms of Reference;


6.              That the Activity Plan (attached at Appendix B) be noted and delegation be authorised to the Assistant Director Economic Growth in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders to modify and approve future plans.



To meet Arts Council England requirements to access annual funding allocations through the National Portfolio Organisation funding, and to establish a Culture Board.


Other options:

The application to Arts Council England was a competitive process and the funding award is based on the commitment to deliver the Activity Plan. Funding would not be awarded, or could be withdrawn if the Council did not support the proposals.

Supporting documents: