Agenda item

Scrutiny Panel Report: - To explore the issues surrounding caravan licensing and enforcement:

To consider a Scrutiny Report.


Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders, Chairman of the ‘To explore the issues surrounding caravan licensing and enforcement’ Scrutiny Panel presented the report to Council for noting.


During her introduction, Councillor Makinson-Sanders extended her thanks to officers involved and to the dedicated Councillors for their service.  The recommendations were detailed at pages 41 to 42 of the Agenda pack.


Councillor Makinson-Sanders was pleased to report that the scrutiny had received a lot of recognition, and further to it being discussed at Lincolnshire County Council, Victoria Atkin, MP had passed it to the relevant minister in government.


It was highlighted that the enforcement side of caravan sites was long overdue, following which the recommendations were commended to Council.


Councillor Ashton, as Portfolio Holder for Planning, expressed his thanks to Councillor Makinson-Sanders and the Panel for a very thorough report which he would discuss with colleagues across the portfolio areas prior to a response to Overview Committee.  Councillor Ashton was very supportive of the recommendations in the report and looked forward to taking as many as possible of the recommendations forward.  Whilst it was acknowledged that caravans made a massive contribution to the tourism industry, it was also highlighted that people living in the caravans must pay council tax where appropriate and abide by licensing and planning conditions that lent to the safety of people in the coastal area.


N.B.  Councillor Claire Arnold left the Meeting at 7.30pm.


Councillor Fiona Martin congratulated Councillor Makinson-Sanders on an excellent report and looked forward to receiving the response at Overview Committee.


Councillor Roger Dawson stated that he strongly supported the recommendations within the report.  It was considered that there needed to be a clear planning/development process and whilst recognising the importance of tourism it was important that a balanced approach to this be taken which could be given further consideration during the review of the Local Plan.


Councillor Steve Kirk, Portfolio Holder for the Coastal Economy further congratulated Councillor Makinson-Sanders and recognised the excellent evidence contained within the report.  Councillor Kirk stated that it was almost impossible to get caravan sites regulated and he was aware that most site owners had robust processes in place for checking caravan occupants with second homes.  However, he supported the Council in moving forward with the recommendations at a fast pace.


Councillor Craig Leyland, Leader of the Council praised the depth and quality of the report and the timeliness with the work underway with LCC, the Environment Agency and the University of Lincoln with flooding.  It was recognised as an historical problem spanning 40 to 50 years and highlighted that the report provided a good steering point and a required commitment was needed.


Councillor Danny Brookes congratulated Councillor Makinson-Sanders on a very thorough report and considered that this would highlight the large number of homeless people living in caravans (circa 6k) which may complicate the situation.


Following a query over adding timelines to the recommendations, as a Point of Clarification Councillor Martin explained the procedure of tracking these through Overview Committee.


Councillor Makinson-Sanders thanked Members for their responses, and highlighted that the issues arising from the report went further than Councillor Ashton’s portfolio as it raised age and housing issues throughout, therefore would like to see it considered across Executive Board.


It was further highlighted that the Enforcement Service Manager had a 5, 7 and 10-year programme in place and the Council should strive to get the maximum out of this.


No further comments or questions were received.




That the report be noted.

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