Performance and Governance Framework - Quarter 4/End of Year Monitoring Report 2022/23:
To receive a report from the Group Manager - Insights & Transformation.
James Gilbert, Assistant Director (Corporate) presented Members with the Performance and Governance Framework - Quarter 4/End of Year Monitoring Report 2022/23 (April 2022 to March 2023) pages 151 to 174 of the Agenda refer.
Members attention was drawn to the Performance Indicators (Appendix A) and the Strategic Risk Register (Appendix B).
Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.
- A Member highlighted the pie chart ‘East Lindsey Q4 KPI Overview’, page 156 of the Agenda refers and queried what ‘trend only’ referred to. The Assistant Director (Corporate) explained that this was a trend where no target was set against it and was monitored over a period of time.
- A Member referred to ‘East Lindsey – Governance’ - Percentage of corporate complaints responded to within corporately set timescales, (76% performance against a target of 95%), page 159 of the Agenda refers and queried why it took so long to respond to a complaint. The Assistant Director (Corporate) explained that the response time depended on the service area involved and the complexity of the complaint, but was happy to find further information in relation to this.
- A Member referred to East Lindsey – General Fund Assets - Percentage of available pitches occupied on Kingfisher Caravan Park, (48% performance against 60% target), page 161 of the Agenda refers. It was further highlighted that there was also a shortfall in the number of caravan sales completed and considered that this needed a lot more explanation.
- A Member highlighted the East Lindsey - Corporate KPIs 2022/23, page 158 of the Agenda refers where it stated ‘surveyed collectively’ and queried what this meant. The Assistant Director (Corporate) explained that these were KPIs where the survey had been undertaken across all three councils in the Partnership and where there were shared officers.
The Assistant Director (Corporate) advised Members that the KPIs were intended to stretch services and the green status of a KPI was not an ‘easy’ green, furthermore it would be unhealthy for every KPI to be green.
- A Member queried whether there was adequate staffing where a red status had been awarded. The Assistant Director (Corporate) responded that it depended on the service involved, however acknowledged that some service areas were very stretched currently.
- A Member referred to CORP001(b) Economic Growth, page 164 of the Agenda refers and current proposals for an extension of Louth Industrial Estate. It was highlighted that this was not included on the risk register and considered that it needed adding as it was a risk to the local economy.
- A Member referred to CORP002 – Uncertainty of future Lincshore flood defence scheme, page 164 of the Agenda refers. It was highlighted that the medium risk awarded had been raised at previous Committee meetings and the Member felt very strongly that this should be re-evaluated as ‘when, not if’ flooding occurred it was a serious risk to the coastal economy.
The Assistant Director (Corporate) responded that these comments would be forward to the Assistant Directors of the relevant services for a response.
No further comments or questions were received.
Following which, it was
That the Performance and Governance Framework - Quarter 4/End of Year Monitoring Report 2022/23 be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Overview Q4 Performance Cover Report 230620, item 14. PDF 179 KB
- Appendix A - PFG Q4 230620, item 14. PDF 250 KB
- Appendix B - PFG Q4 230620, item 14. PDF 282 KB