Agenda item

Crime and Disorder Report

To receive a report from the Community Safety Manager.


Peter Hunn, Community Safety Manager, Jon Challen, Safer Communities Service Manager and Chair of the Local Community Safety Board, Andrew Haw, CCTV Manager, Boston Borough Council, Zoe Walters, Business Manager, Safer Lincolnshire Partnership, Sarah Cocker, Community Safety Partnership Officer and Sergeant Geoff Harrison, Lincolnshire Police were in attendance to present Members with the Crime and Disorder Report, pages 19 to 66 of the Agenda refer.


The report provided an overview of the work currently being undertaken by the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership at County level, the South & East Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership at a local level, along with information on CCTV across the partnership and Anti-Social Behaviour activity in East Lindsey.  The report recommended that the contents were noted, and additionalareas of focus were considered for inclusion in future reports.


Members were invited for their comments and questions.


  • A Member referred to the noxious odour pilot scheme in Boston detailed at Paragraph 2.6, page 22 of the Agenda refers and highlighted that there were also examples of this in Louth and queried whether any action could be taken.  In response, the Community Safety Manager acknowledged that it was an issue and there were currently gaps in addressing this, in particular involvement from Housing Associations.  However, Members were advised that advice letters, progressing to community protection notices were being issued and as a result from the pilot scheme in Boston, this was now being looked at on a county basis.  It was further highlighted that a similar scheme was being looked at with regards to noise nuisance.


  • A Member highlighted ‘The Safety of Women and Girls’ and White Ribbon Day – 16 Days of Action, Paragraph 2.9, page 23 of the Agenda refers.  It was highlighted that it was not just women and girls who suffered domestic abuse, and it should be promoted for the safety of all.  In response, the Community Safety Manager acknowledged that it was not just women and girls, highlighting that 80% of domestic abuse was directed at women and girls.  Members were informed that there were men-only sessions and hoped that other gaps for this would be promoted in Lincolnshire.


  • A Member referred to the Safer Streets Round 4, further highlighted at Paragraph 2.9 and queried why community CCTV volunteers had to be relied on and why it was not a paid position.  In response, the Community Safety Manager stated that through this scheme it was hoped that additional CCTV would be sourced.  The CCTV admin volunteer referred had been trained by the police to burn the discs, and this person had previously been employed as a CCTV Operator.


  • A Member highlighted that it was a 54-mile round trip from Louth to Skegness to view CCTV images and did not consider this acceptable.  In response, the Community Safety Manager advised Members that as well as a suite in Skegness, there was also a place in Mablethorpe to review CCTV footage and hopefully also in Louth and Spalding in the future.  It was highlighted that technology also negated the need to travel, providing GDPR regulations were in place and assured Members that the team was always looking for ways to improve the service.


  • A Member queried whether there was any data held on when CCTV cameras were down and the impacts from this.  In response, the CCTV Manager advised Members that the contractor held data on downtime and when a fault was reported it was usually fixed within two weeks.


  • A Member queried what capacity there was to cover smaller towns, and highlighted Spilsby as an example where a lot of money had been invested into CCTV but in reality it was not adequate.  The Community Safety Manager responded that anything was possible, however it all came down to cost, although where there was existing CCTV a broadband connection could help.  To assist further, he was happy to have a conversation with the Member outside of the meeting.


  • A newly elected Member stated that he was impressed with the report presented and had also visited the CCTV control room for a demonstration which was very illuminating.


  • A Member referred to the reflection in Appendix C, page 52 of the Agenda refers and highlighted the low reported number of police image reviews which he found surprising, considering the availability of CCTV image review facilities in Skegness Police Station and queried whether the figures could be explained.  The CCTV Manager considered that rather than looking at the numbers reported, it was more important to focus on having fully trained operators which would lead to a higher number of CCTV image reviews in Skegness.  Sergeant Harrison added that from his own experience, newly qualified police officers may be on a shift, so would be untrained in this area.  It was recognised that there was a need to upskill, but resourcing was difficult however was currently a work in progress.


With regards to anti-social behaviour enforcement action taken by ELDC in partnership with Lincolnshire Police, Members were pleased to note that a total of 143 Stage 1 enforcement notices had been sent out, a much higher number then in the three previous years.


The CCTV Manager stated that he was happy to extend an invitation out to all Members to visit the CCTV Control Room and the Anti-Social Behaviour Officer was always happy to provide advice.


  • A Member commented that he was pleased to see the Dementia Bands pilot, detailed at Paragraph 2.10, page 23 of the Agenda refers and had knowledge of its success whereby it had reunited people who had been lost.


  • A Member highlighted that the ANPR Cameras in Louth had not worked for a number of years and queried why more had not been located around the town and also who was responsible for providing them.  The CCTV Manager stated that ANPR cameras were now being replaced by Traffic Management systems and LCC Highways was responsible for these.  Councillor Alex Hall, a Lincolnshire County Councillor advised he was happy to take Members’ queries back on this issue.


No further comments or questions were received.


The Chairman extended her thanks to the Community Safety Manager, the Safer Communities Service Manager and Chair of the Local Community Safety Board, the CCTV Manager, Boston Borough Council, the Business Manager, Safer Lincolnshire Partnership, the Community Safety Partnership Officer and Sergeant Harrison, Lincolnshire Police for their attendance.


Following which it was,




  1. That the content of the report be noted.


  1. That areas of focus to be included in future reports be considered by Members.


N.B. The Community Safety Manager, Safer Communities Service Manager and Chair of the Local Community Safety Board, CCTV Manager, Boston Borough Council, Business Manager, Safer Lincolnshire Partnership, Community Safety Partnership Officer and Sergeant Harrison, Lincolnshire Police left the Meeting at 3.10pm.

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