Agenda item

Scrutiny Topic Suggestions:

To consider the scrutiny topic suggestion forms.


Rebecca James, Scrutiny and Policy Officer presented Members with four scrutiny topic suggestion forms as follows:


·       ‘How can ELDC help retain, attract and re-attract qualified, innovative, ambitious and young professionals in the district?’, pages 45 to 46 of the Agenda refer.


Following feedback received from officers, and discussion with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman at the pre-meeting, it was suggested that this item be moved forward as a topic for the Committee’s Standing Reference Group, to further explore how the Committee could get involved.


A Member queried whether this could be discussed as a future Reserved Members’ Day item.  It was further highlighted that Councillor Leyland had the executive responsibility for skills and was appointed to the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).  It was further considered that PSPS Limited should be involved as the recruiting arm for the Council.


A Member considered that a short scrutiny would be appropriate as a lot of schools were not utilising sixth form colleges.


The Chairman asked that this suggestion be further discussed by herself, the Vice-Chairman and Scrutiny and Policy Officer.


·       ‘Update ELDC planning policy to encourage/require integration of renewable energy sources into new build properties’, pages 47 to 48 of the Agenda refer.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer advised Members that following officer feedback, it was highlighted that input was welcome from all Members, however it was suggested that this was more appropriate for Planning Policy Committee to consider alongside the review of the Local Plan.


A Member asked that the word ‘require’ be taken out of the title as national legislation could not be required to do this.  The Scrutiny and Policy Officer responded that this was the wording from the Member who had put the topic forward, and no work had been done on a draft scoping document, where the purpose would be made clear.


Following a brief discussion, the Chairman asked that a one-off session be held to discuss this, following which the feedback could be passed to Planning Policy Committee as an item for its Agenda.


A Member queried whether this topic could be integrated into the upcoming Carbon Scrutiny Panel.  The Scrutiny and Policy Officer agreed to speak to the Councillor who put the suggestion forward and the Planning Policy and Research Service Manager to see if this could be incorporated.


·       ‘Broadband and phone connectivity in ELDC area’, pages 49 to 50 of the Agenda refer.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer highlighted that this item had been included as an item for a future Reserved Members’ Day.  A Member commented that there was a representative from Lincolnshire County Council who was well versed on not only broadband, but mobile phone connectivity and suggested that he be invited to update Members.


·       ‘Viking CCS (Carbon Capture Scheme)’, pages 51 to 52 of the Agenda refer.


Following feedback from officers, the Scrutiny and Policy Officer advised Members that it was considered that the context was not right for this suggestion as a procedure was already formally in place.


A review of the Local Plan was currently underway, therefore when timely, Members would be notified and invited for their comments which would be incorporated into the response that the Council provided to the Inspectorate.


Due to the detail contained within the officer’s feedback, the Scrutiny and Policy Officer advised Members that she would email the Councillor who put the topic forward plus Committee Members the detailed response that she received.


A Member fully supported this and commented that there was a lot of interest locally, and as it could potentially be dangerous considered that it was important for the Council to be involved.

Supporting documents: