Agenda item


Actions from the previous Overview Committee Meeting.


Members noted that the following Actions were now complete.


Actions from the Meeting held on 25 July 2023.


Action Nos. 22 (a), (b) and (c), 23, and 27 (a) – completed.


Action No. 24 (a) ‘Scrutiny Topic Suggestions’ ‘How can ELDC retain, attract and re-attract qualified, innovative, ambitious and young professionals in the district’, page 26 of the Agenda refers.


A Member highlighted that the recruitment service was provided by PSPS Limited.  It was suggested that such topics would be good for task and finish groups.  The Chairman responded that other routes had been explored to scrutinise shorter topics.


Action No. 24 (b) ‘Scrutiny Topic Suggestions’ ‘Update ELDC planning policy to encourage/require integration of renewable energy sources into new build properties’, page 26 of the Agenda refers.


Following a query, it was confirmed that planning policy related recommendations from Overview Committee were reported back to Planning Policy Committee.  The Chairman confirmed that there was a mechanism in place and comments put forward by Members were fed back by this mechanism, or via the action sheet.


Action No. 27 (b) ‘Executive/Council Forward Plan’ ‘Proposed disposal of ELDC land, Humberston Road, Tetney’, page 27 of the Agenda refers.


A Member was pleased to see that this item had been removed from the Forward Plan.


Actions from the Meeting held on 20 June 2023.


Action No. 14 (a) and (b) – completed.


Actions from the Meeting held on 8 March 2022.


Action No. 88 – completed.


Action Nos. 89 ‘Heritage and Scrutiny Briefing Report’ ‘An update to be provided after consultation on Conservation Areas, with the timescales being 4 to 6 months from June 2023’, page 27 of the Agenda refers.


A Member asked for clarification on which Member was the current appointed ELDC Heritage Champion.


A Member queried the timescales for consultations on the conservation areas and in particular, who the consultees were.  The Chairman advised Members that an update from the Heritage Manager would be presented to Committee in November 2023.


Action No. 90 ‘Envirocrime Contract Progress ELDC’ ‘The Environmental Health Service Manager to provide Members with data on patrols undertaken in Spilsby’, page 27 of the Agenda refers.


Further to the update provided, a Member commented that the performance was poor all round and queried whether the contract was fit for purpose.  It was requested that this item be left on the action sheet as outstanding until a further, fuller update had been provided.


With regards to recently convened scrutiny panels, a Member highlighted her disappointment that despite expressions of interest shown, some Members had not been appointed.  The Scrutiny Officer explained that two of the panels had been oversubscribed and hoped that those Members who were not successful would be able to join a future panel.  The Chairman commented that it was encouraging that the panels had been oversubscribed as in the past it had been difficult recruiting to panels.


A copy of the updated action sheet tabled at the Meeting is attached at Appendix A to the Minutes.

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