Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker:

To note the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker.


Members were referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker, pages 63 to 74 of the Agenda refer.


Members were invited to review the tracker and to put their comments and questions forward.


Overview Standing Reference Group – Sutton on Sea Colonnade Project.


Recommendation No 4, ‘Explore opportunities with universities and museum services to develop the exhibition space, page 66 of the Agenda refers.


Further to the update relating to the branding and marketing strategy, a Member queried who was undertaking this and what qualifications they held.  The Scrutiny Officer advised Members that she would seek this information and report back to the next meeting.


To explore the issues surrounding caravan licensing and enforcement Scrutiny Panel.


Recommendation No. 2 ‘The Caravan Enforcement Team was only created on October 3, 2022, and given it has inherited a huge backlog, which will take at least two years of concentrated work to clear, this council must recognise, as a priority, the need to staff this team adequately as well as employing an apprentice‘, page 68 of the Agenda refers.


Further to the reference that First College would be recruiting an apprentice a query was raised whether any other source of recruitment was being used.  The Scrutiny Officer advised Members that the posts were advertised.  First College placed apprentices which consisted four days in the role and one day at college to provide background training.  The Assistant Director (Corporate) added that the Council put money into the apprenticeship levy and there was a range of qualifications what could be sourced using that route.


Recommendation No. 6 ‘Review the findings of the Capacity Grid operation undertaken on behalf of the council in 2018-19 and make recommendations in the light of this review’, page 69 of the Agenda refers.


A Member commented that she was pleased with the progress of this, however highlighted the difficulties obtaining the information and whether there was a cost to the Council.  The Chairman stated that the legislation was complicated and the Council must comply with the Data Protection Act and the retention period for holding information.  The Scrutiny Officer advised Members that as Capacity Grid carried out the work and provided the results they held the information that was included in the report.  Further information would be sought on this and reported back to the next meeting.


Recommendation No. 13 ‘As the council dealing with the largest concentration of caravans in Western Europe, use this experience to consider offering training for other councils on best practice in the caravan industry. This could potentially provide an additional income stream’, page71 of the Agenda refers.


A Member commented that just because East Lindsey had the largest concentration of caravans it did not mean that it was the best at dealing with them and this could be a diversion from a very important outstanding piece of work.  It was further queried whether a cost benefit analysis had been undertaken on this.  Councillor Makinson-Sanders, Chairman of the Panel explained that this was a long-term aim and that the training would only be considered at the end of this period if the relevant experience had been gained.


Recommendation No. 17 ‘As part of their remit, the portfolio holder for the coast to arrange regular meetings with coastal operators - other portfolio holders could support on issues such as health and housing’, page 72 of the Agenda refers.


A Member commented that she would like to see some progress on this recommendation.  The Scrutiny Officer advised Members that she would contact the Portfolio Holder (PFH) and an update would be brought to the next meeting.


Recommendation No. 18 ‘Seek to work in partnership with Lincolnshire Trading Standards to investigate ‘rogue’ operators’, page 72 of the Agenda refers.


The Scrutiny Officer advised Members that she had amended the Portfolio Holder responsibility to Councillor Steve Kirk, who was PFH for the Coastal Economy.


No further questions or comments were received.


Following which, it was




That the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker be noted.

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